<---hot diggity dog

<--- finally dug the frieznikin phone out.
<--- turned it OFF! Agrees with Pinky on this.
<--- will not please working stiffs but <--- could give a rats patootie.
<--- has a very foul mouthy mindset right now.
<--- is definitely going to take Jes up on the timeshare in hell.
<--- took a gander at Sophie and Gilbert pics - absolutely mahvelous!
<--- thanks Angie for reminding <--- about STARBUCKS and LATTES right now.
<--- recommends to Angie to take ACE books one page at a time and she'll be fine.
<--- waves at Super Debbie and wonders what's for din din?
<---says hey girlies
<---tells Rogue it's leftover garlic chicken, broccoli, & sundried tomato pizza..come on over!
<---tells Jess to save me a seat, too. I'll be visiting often
<---has been a tad chilly today...more coffee helps...mmmm.
<---playin' around while Boybie sleeps
<---will run errands later
<---tells Shell Bell that Gileeboobear is sooo precious!
<---wonders if anyone else is feeling lazy today?
<---wonders if reading about y'alls workouts counts ;)
<---gonna go watch the boob tube for a bit...later chicas

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<---is eating yakitori (Japanese chicken skewers) and salad for lunch
<---has been really good with her eating and hopes she doesn't blow it this weekend, like last weekend:(
<---LOVES the pics of Gilbert
<---thinks Sophie is growing up to be such a pretty girl
<---believes Angie can tackle her ACE books just fine
<---tells Jes and Rogue our hell timeshare should overlook a nice view, like the rock where Saddam gets flogged for eternity}(
<---thinks Texas won't have a winter this year at all
<---90 degrees in October! WTF???
<---hopes Laura's allergies get better
<---HATES allergies
<---tells Debbie she's been feeling lazy since Sunday
<---it's a miracle she gets her workouts in at all
<---finished a combo: SB warm-up and challenge, SJP step premix, PowerMax segment 2, SJP/C&W abs
<---is TIRED

<--tells Jes she'll be the first to visit...and visit often}( }(
<--is in foulest of moods today
<--but feels better when <--joins the company of her hysterical and awesome biatches:7
<--tells Debbie that sounds positively mouthwatering and would love to come over for a taste:9 :9
<--Tells pinky "burn, baby, burn" forever!! LOL...by the way, <-- I would love to make a t-shirt out of that}( }( :p :7
<--wants Shellers to know <--thinks Gilbooie is just GORGEOUS!!
<--thinks Sophie is a very beautiful little girl!!
<--tells pinky thanks for solving the sheep mystery ... heehee!
<--thinks yakitori sounds really good!
<--ate minestrone (a.k.a. tomatoe-veggie-pasta-thingee-that-DH-won't-eat-leftover-mush)for dinner
<--loves the pictures of Gilbert!
<--also wants a dog
<--loves those soy vanilla lattes at starbucks
<--can't wait to move near starbucks again
<--hopes Laura's allergies are better today too
<--also hates allergies ... moooooooooo!
<--tells Debbie her pizza sounds fab!
<---loves typing this: <---, but can't understand why?
<---feels important since all <---point to <---
<---must be conceited:p
<---is thawing salmon for dinner
<---is going to make a seasonal bread that really tastes like cake
<---will eat like crap with Pinky since eating yummy food is fun!
<---will suffer food hangover next day with Pinky as well. :)
<---needs to get a picture trail - is it free? is it easy for dummies to figure out?

<--- tells Missy that if <--- can figure out Picturetrail, anyone can:p
<--- says Missy should go to Picturetrail.com and follow the instructions
<--- tells her that it IS free, for a very basic service
<--- doubts very much that Missy is a dummy:)
<--- would love to have bread that tastes like cake:9
<---tells Shelley that DH got an earful last week
<---'s DH made big changes!
<---will reem DH if he strays from the path he is on
<---still loves DH!
<---hopes DH still loves her!
<---wants to give Shelley's SO an earful now! }(
<---is going to try to figure out picture trail.....
<---hopes everyone wishes her luck!!

<---tells Missy pictrail is free and easy
<---loves pico do gallo and just ate a ton of it
<---will be belching chiles and cilantro for remainder of day
<---will do stepblast later for as long as i can stand
<---still hasn't gotten up and washed SUV yet
<---is very much feeling the lazyass vibe
<---wonders what seasonal bread is

<---tells Jess that seasonal bread just has the produce of the season in it...in this case pumpkin and zuccini:9
<---loves making breads like these!!!
<---tells Jess good thing it isn't garlic belches!!!

<---tells Laura that I'm studying for personal trainer certification
<---tells Missy that I couldn't afford to give up this "glamorous" corporate job to actually do something that I actually love
<---is rather depressed about that
<---would rather throw PASSION into fitness }(
<---has a tummy that is making noises that sounds like a jet plane taking off
<---can't wait to watch "Lost" tonight
<---but would rather gather at Debbie's with all you shiznitty biatches for some of her deliciousness pizza.

<--- is REALLY happy that Missy had that "talk" with DH last week
<--- tells her to tell DH that if he doesn't shape up, <--- will come down there and kick his ass
<--- admits that most of her SO problems are actually being caused by PMS
<--- isn't feeling awfully tolerant;)
<---feels sorry for people who have to put up with our pms, even oblivious DH
<---is happy that men forgive easier than women do!
<---wants to be personal trainer as well as group fitness instructor
<---needs to do something more stable, though, too ;(
<---has smelly pits today
<---thinks that Angie should go and eat
<---will be reading smutty book while Angie and DH watch Lost
<---is going to put on deoderant....

<---hopes Sandy's mood gets better
<---has been wanting to call Sandy but Andrew sleeps so LATE most evenings (10:30 p.m.) and thinks it's too late to catch Sandy then:(
<---will go for crapalooza and food hangover as long as it's with Missy;-)... there'll be wine and Snickers, I hope?:)
<---doesn't think Missy is a dummy
<---are our stars aligned, Missy? hubby also got "the talk" last week... actually three long sessions in three consecutive nights, at the end of which she asked if she could practice her roundhouses on his butt:p
<---wouldn't have hesitated ONE BIT if he said yes
<---ooohhh... LOVE cilantro, could put it in everything!
<---just spit water out her nose with Angie's passion talk
<---wishes she had so much passion to give
<---is now wondering whether she'd give that ACE thing a try, just for the heck of it
<---wonders if she can focus with a five-year-old constantly yapping at her

<---waves hi to everyone
<---thainks Pinky could do anything she put her mind to including ace exam
<---needs to finish her workouts for the day
<---wants a nap
<---Tells Angie YAY hot tamales:)
<---Tells Missy she is awesome!
<---Thinks everyone here is awesome actually!

<---feels for Laura and allegies
<---thinks Pinky's lunch sounds much better than turkey sandwich
<---would also like bread that tastes like cake
<---wouldn't mind a piece of bread that tastes like bread or cake that tastes like cake either
<---could eat chocolate that tastes like chocolate right now too
<---wonders what "the talk" is, since <---has never given it
<---would maybe give the DH "the talk" if <---knew what it was
<---thinks maybe DD is more in need of the talk since she seems to be getting D's or LOWER in most of her classes
<---thinks DD is very bright, but also very lazy
<---doesn't know what to do about DD
<---is maybe fooling herself about DD's brightness
<---smells much better now!
<---would gladly give Robin's DD the talk
<---DD will listen because <--- is scary! }( }( }(
<---knows Robin's DD is bright!
<---also has lazy DD who needs lots of positive and negative reinforcement
<---tells Pinky "you don't need to ask for permission, just RH his @$$!" }( }( }( he'll listen then!
<---feels pms kicking in!
<---still hasn't started book
<---is going to start cake/bread while DNephew is still snoozing

<---thanks scary Missy for volunteering to talk to DD
<---happy to say no longer suffers from pms
<---hasn't had . for 3 months and may be done with that part of life
<---was afraid menopause would be bigger deal
<---felt loss of childbearing ability would be big emotional problem
<---only has a few hot flashes and doesn't miss pms, cramps, mess etc at all
<---is going to get MIL now for visit to cat
<---won't be getting the look today, because<---wore old PSU sweatshirt instead of sexy leather jacket (see the look post if confused)
<---will see all you love-ur-ly biatches on the flip side
<--tells pinky she can always call on a friday night:) :)
<--hopes <--mood improves too
<--also hopes everyone's yucky pms clears rather quickly!
<--tells Angie that throwing PASSION into fitness is always a good thing but right now <--would rather throw PASSION into eating LOL
<--thought about it and also needs to throw PASSION into <--hair...could use highlights pronto}( }( :7
<--thinks Angie would make a KICKA$$ PT!!
<--ready to go for a run at the end of the day:)
<--tells Robin how much she loves her signature line....truer words could not be spoken lol!
<--tells Pinky to go for the ACE certification
<--thinks Angie and Pinky would make Kicka$$ PTs
<--is currently studying for ACE Lifestyle & Wt Mgmt certification
<--agrees Missy is NOT a dummy
<--also LOVES cilantro:9
<--doesn't believe <-- gets PMS
<--is ducking now from all the punches coming from PMS ladies}( ;) :+

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