<---hot diggity dog


<---is tired but too stressed to sleep
<---So made up this thread name in honor of all of our dogs :)
<---Might be going crazy!
<---hopes everyone is sleeping well

<--says good morning to Terri
<--wants to get a dog when <--and DH finally settle down in one place
<--wishes everyone a deeeeeeeeeee-lightful day :)
<--- 's dogs are quite flattered by the thought :D
<--- just came back from working out, so it quite wired, too
<--- IS crazy
<--- is eating a gigantic salad and a bowl of cooked veggies
<--- wants a cup of decaf, but ran out
<--- has been lazy all day
<--- hopes ^ can sleep
<--- hopes <--- can sleep
<--- is watching her own diggity dogs sleep peacefully and is smiling
<--- is excited about new iPod
<--- is excited about new Cardio Coach workout that <--- loaded incorrectly in new iPod and couldn't use at gym :D
<--- will attempt sleep now

<--- says good day to all^ and all who follow
<--- must take kids to school and will be back ina few...
Judy "Likes2bfit"
<---waves goodmorning to all and their doggies
<---doesn't have a doggie, but has 3 kitties-MEOW-HISS
<---has a computer at workstation today, but it faces the door, so boss can see <---is playing, not working, if he comes into room
<---may have to hijack other computer on counter behind <---so as not to caught playing with Cathe friends
<---is sorry that Shelley is having SO issues
<---hopes those stains got cleaned up
<---thinks a massage after paper gown dr visit was good idea jes
<---is also sorry Terri is so stressed
<---hopes this isn't too trite, but tells Terri "this too shall pass"
<---did IMAX 3 yesterday without inhaler-YAY for Pinky and me!
<---waves good morning to all. :)
<---is afraid to even PURCHASE Imax 3 let alone DO IT! :p
<---is still working on mastering Imax 2!
<---doesn't even have the original IMAX yet either!
<---was up early this morning for the first time in several days.
<---is brewing her 2nd cup of coffee already.
<---needs to get some breakfast.
<---wants to get her w/o over with this morning but doesn't have the time right now.
<---can't believe what she is hearing on the news about hurricane Wilma! WTF? x(
<---has to go get her java! TTFN!:)
<---waves and does a happy dance for all her friends in Catheland!
<---started eating sugar again this month and made pms x10 this week
<---apologizes to anyone who caught glimpse or misery from this pms :-( so sorry!
<---gets to change a plenty-o-diapers b/c nephew is here
<---doesn't want to change diapers
<---wants to smoosh cutie pie kiddos and smother with kisses!!! :* :* :*
<---wants them to go away
<---is awfully moody today
<---is going to eat chocolate for breakfast

<---g'morning Terri, Sara, Wendy, Missy & all those who follow!
<---can see breath outside this morning...brr!
<---loves the fall weather
<---isn't overly fond of diaper changing either ;)
<---says she is a poop efficianado
<---will rest today - quite sore from yesterday's w/o
<---don't know when next w/o will happen - lots of playgroups
<---ahh well, chasing toddlers counts for something
<---hopes everyone is doing well this morning
<---hasn't seen any sheep yet. sleeping in I bet ;)
<--waves hello to all my wonderful biatches!!
<--is sorry to hear Terri is stressed:(
<--is feeling super shiznitty because <-- computer went kaplooie and now must search for new one ASAP because <--can't live without cathe connectionx(
<--loves fall but is never really ready for the cold...ever!!
<--wants to ask Shelley how Gilbert is adjusting to his new home!
<--is very sleepy and space under <-- desk is beginning to look quite inviting:+
<--tells missy that eating chocolate for breakfast sounds really good:9
<--tells Wendy <--feels terrible she hasn't emailed with another definite day to meet but wants her to know she hasn't forgotten about wanting to get together soon!!
<--- says hello to all here
<--- am done with 400 walking lunges, treadmill 1/2 & 1/2 , and CTX shoulders
<--- sends Shelly and Terri hugs and happy wishes for current issues
<--- tells Wendy IMAX3 is a must have in everybody's workout library.
<--- congratulates Robin on IMAX3 w/out an inhaler!

Judy "Likes2bfit"
<--- waves good morning to all.
<--- is peeved because work is interfering with forum time!
<--- understands Sandy's distress about computer kaplooie.
<--- hopes it gets fixed real soon.
<--- laughs at, yet understands Missy's moodiness.
<--- congrats Robin on IMAX 3 sans inhaler.
<--- agrees that chocolate for breakfast sounds tempting.
<--- almost fainted . . . WAS THAT A SHEEP?!?!?!
<--- recovers because it was only the phone ringing - shiznitin thing is buried under a mountain of plan sets. Yowza!!!
<---has finished most of the housework, now only has to do laundry, vaccuum, do dishes....
<---wonders what the heck she DID do this morning?
<---will do Imax 3 to celebrate Robin's victory! :7
<---is cold but doesn't want to turn the heater on
<---doesn't like the price of gas x(
<---has an electric heat pump
<---still dislikes price of gas
<---wants to read a silly book! :p
<---hopes the Rogue finds the phone
<---hopes that Terri will feel better

<--waves good morning
<--is sorry that Terri is stressed
<--also enjoys a chocolate breakfast :)
<--"hi 5's" Robin on doing IMAX3 w/o inhaler
<--says her inhaler is also getting less use lately ... ya Cathe!
<--hopes Sandy's computer gets fixed soon
<--wonders where those sheep went?
<--did Step Blast for first time today
<--wonders who switched my right foot with another left one?
<--thinks it was it one of those silly sheep! :)

Cath :)
<---hopes Terri gets to take a nap today
<---is glad that Robin's asthma is no longer bothering her
<---tells Wendy she doesn't do IM3 because she wants to able to chase after her grandchildren one day
<---thinks Missy still looks good with pms X 10
<---is kinda envious about Super Debbie enjoying the cold weather
<---is happy to see Sandy around... burn, baby, burn!
<---wishes she were also done with workout, like Judy
<---tells Rogue that sometimes she turns the phone off for days at a time since <--- doesn't really like phones unless she needs it to call 911, not that that ever happened
<---tells Cathy she now believes the sheep got fleeced for Serta
<---is sore in the legs and is still sore in the upper body from Monday's workout... those pull-ups can really pack a wallop!
<---thinks it should be a cardio day
<---a toss-up between Power Max and RS, but might end up doing Step Blast
<---should probably do a mish-mosh

Pinky:) }( :7
<--- waves a belated good morning to everyone
<--- sympathizes with Missy about the whole PMS deal
<--- tells Rogue to ignore the phone - if it's important,they'll call back
<--- congrats to Robin on IM3 with no inhaler!
<--- sometimes needs defibrillator after Imax 3;)
<--- posted pics of GILBERT in her Picture Trail
<--- will try hard not to let her eating go to hell today (like it did yesterday)
<--- thinks perpetual bad hair days mean it's time for drastic measures
<--- really liked having inch long hair for the maintenance factor:)
<--- should get back to work now
<---sends hugs and Hot Tamales to Terri
<---sends the Geek Squad to Sandy's house
<---sends cyber high five to Robin for Imax3
<---wants to trade Gilbert for my 2 dogs who have a tendency to eat my protein bars and banana muffins x(
<---received the ACE books last night and hopes <---didn't bite off more than <---can chew!
<---is really in the mood for a Starbuck's Soy Sugar-Free Vanilla Latte.

<---Ouch! Some of you bicep vein popping biatches high five hard. But thanks!
<---can understand Rogues peevishness with work
<---has same peevement issues today
<---wonders what silly book Missy has in mind
<---is glad Cath is also using inhaler less
<---wants to see Gilbert pictures, but has to go to library because work computer has filter to keep all your dirty pictures from <--- virgin eyes
<---can't go to library today because <---has to take MIL for cat visitation
<---has to get back to work or <---will be here overtime
<---tells Robin either something smutty or a Star Wars book
<---confesses to being a Star Wars nerd:eek:
<---wonders who's computer Robin as at today
<---thinks Gilbert is too cute!
<---wants a dog
<---wonders if Angie is going to be a personal trainer! :7

<---slept late
<---did not do cardio last night(big suprise) but did manage to do PUB and GS legs
<---will do cardio today
<---has nothing i have to do other than wash and wax suv
<---wants Pinky, Rouge and others interested that i have a timeshare in hell and any of you are welcome to visit free of charge for as long as you like}(
<---thinks someone should fry Saddam's ass already! <--is sick of hearing about it!
<---can't believe that there are places in need of heaters today
<---wishes i was cold

<--waves hi to everyone
<--thinks the pictures of Gilbert and Sophie are adorable!:*
<--wishes I were cold, too
<--wonders what ACE test Angie is going to study for (trainer or group instructor?)
<--wishes Angie good luck!
<--was very weak last night due to allergies
<--did not workout this morning :eek: because of stupid allergies
<--plans for CTX Upper tonight

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