I really cannot understand and nor do I recommend the temporary use of antidepresants, especially NOT effexor which is lethal, for just a few days per month. Please do not underestimate the side effects these medications can produce which are, I think, as bad if not owrse than PMS. If your stomach is at all sensitive, avoid SSRI's as a temporary PMS solution. You can expect nausea, sedation, insomnia, dry mouth, severe headaches, etc. Why add this to your PMS mix of symptoms?!?!?!?!
Since it takes betwen 4-6 weeks for the beneficial effects of these medications to be felt, how can they possibly do you any good when only taken for a week each month? This method would never let you get used to the medication, each month would be like starting from scratch again.
Since it takes betwen 4-6 weeks for the beneficial effects of these medications to be felt, how can they possibly do you any good when only taken for a week each month? This method would never let you get used to the medication, each month would be like starting from scratch again.