Horrible PMS - is the Pill the only answer?!?!

I really cannot understand and nor do I recommend the temporary use of antidepresants, especially NOT effexor which is lethal, for just a few days per month. Please do not underestimate the side effects these medications can produce which are, I think, as bad if not owrse than PMS. If your stomach is at all sensitive, avoid SSRI's as a temporary PMS solution. You can expect nausea, sedation, insomnia, dry mouth, severe headaches, etc. Why add this to your PMS mix of symptoms?!?!?!?!

Since it takes betwen 4-6 weeks for the beneficial effects of these medications to be felt, how can they possibly do you any good when only taken for a week each month? This method would never let you get used to the medication, each month would be like starting from scratch again.

I'm not trying to change the subject here, but I suffered from horrible acne (almost went on accutane) and during pms time it was beyond horrible. Paula's Choice skin care has completely cleared me up, even during pms time. I get a small one every once in a while. This skin care is unbelievable to me, b/c I tired everything.

I too suffer from awful pms and even missed work a couple of times this past year due to the emotional aspect of pms coupled with stressful situations at work and I wasn't ready to get fired. I will be checking into the estrovan stuff from Eckerds. Is this for menopause symptoms or pms?
Edited for typo.
I disagree with both your statements, but I understand your dislike of antidepressants. I wouldn't suggest going and asking a general physician for a prescription just because they are working for a friend. Side effects depend on the dosage and the individual. It may take 4-6 weeks for beneficial effects if treating severe chronic depression, but PMS is different.
Estroven has for both ( PMS & regular) although my gyn did a blood test on me and said that I am very far away from perimenopause I still use it and find it works wonders.
here is a direct link to the estroven pms site and btw after reading you don't need to be menopausal to use the regular estroven .


>I'm not trying to change the subject here, but I suffered
>from horrible acne (almost went on accutane) and during pms
>time it was beyond horrible. Paula's Choice skin care has
>completely cleared me up, even during pms time. I get a small
>one every once in a while. This skin care is unbelievable to
>me, b/c I tired everything.
>I too suffer from awful pms and even missed work a couple of
>times this past year due to the emotional aspect of pms
>coupled with stressful situations at work and I wasn't ready
>to get fired. I will be checking into the estrovan stuff from
>Eckerds. Is this for menopause symptoms or pms?
>Edited for typo.


What products are you using from Paula's Choice??
With Paulas Choice, where can I get these products in the US? Or do I have to order them from her website??? Thanks!:D

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