Hormone Replacement Therapy

I've been reading about this subject and it seems to me that doctors really need to get down to the heart of the problem. I'm wondering how you women out there who currently deal with menopause or other hormone problems are managing? Is it easier for you because you do exercise or do you find that you are having just as many problems as women who don't exercise? I'm not at this point yet, however I've always felt that women should take their health seriously and what you may hear from one doctor may not necessarily be the right answer for you. One pill does not fit all.
Hi, you are correct - one pill does not fit all. I've been on HRT for about 5 years now and tweeking the meds was a bit difficult. When I began this journey, my then doctor was prescribing hormones forgetting that I did not have "all my parts" due to a hysterectomy. After speaking with several doctors and trying several combinations of hormones, I can honestly say that the patch I am on is working exceedingly well. I place a patch on my hip or abdomen and it releases hormones up to seven days. This may or may not work for everyone. My symptoms were the usual, hot flashes, night sweats, increase in weight, decrease in sleep patterns and frankly all of these symptoms were creating havoc in my everyday life. Educating yourself thoroughly with the internet, books and articles, and of course with your doctor will help you in determining what is the best course of action for you. Exercise and diet plays an important as well. Menopause is another level of our womanhood. Some may say that this is the best time of our lives, some may say the opposite. If you are researching information, the best place to begin is with your doctor. If he/she does not answer your questions, then seek other medical professionals so that you are well informed. HRT is not for everyone for many reasons. Hope this helps.

Take care,
Thank you very much for your reply and when the time comes I will certainly consider all the information and try to decide what would be in my best interest. Thanks
I am not trying to scare anyone, but my mother has breast cancer caused by HRT. Her doctor told her the turmor was "estrogen sensitive" meaning it had receptors that were feeding on the estrogen she was putting into her body.

What did women do 50 years ago? They delt with the symptoms and eventually they went away. How could they not? It is a natural event in a woman's productive years.

I would never take estrogen and I also stay away from soy. Soy contains phytoestrogens that can cause femininzion in men along with lots of other scary things. These low carb diets scare me because they are full of soy.

There are several mild anti-depressants on the market that help with hot flashes and mood swings. Calcium supplements and weight bearing exercise take care of bone loss. Madonna is right on the button with HRT and soy. I'm a breast cancer survivor and of course, won't touch either with a ten foot pole. Hope you find what works for you.

>What did women do 50 years ago? They delt with the symptoms
>and eventually they went away. How could they not? It is a
>natural event in a woman's productive years.

I totally agree with you. I would never take medication for something as natural as Menopause, Childbirth or even Menstrual Problems. The easy way out (medications) usually come with bad side affects and to me they are just not worth it.
Mic--there is a forum and alot of ladies with great ideas who commiserate and talk about their experiences at a site called PowerSurge.com.

I love it. And I won't use HRT either--too scary for me.
I beg to differ if your symptoms were severe.

Never say never until you have experienced hyper-anxiety, dry vaginal tissue, no libido and severe moodiness.


Edited to say, I, on the other hand will not take anti-depressents unless absolutely required. I guess everyone has their own philosophy.
Hopefully one day soon there will be something out there that really helps without any fearsome side-effects attached to the product. I understand growing older gracefully, however the main reason that I exercise is to grow old gracefully and if there is something that I can do to ease my way through menopause without harmful side-effects I'm interested in investigating it. Everyone has to make the decision for themselves. Women are living more complicated lives and were living longer so we should be able to live as healthfully and pleasantly as possible. Just my thoughts.
And positive thoughts they are.

For me, it gets down to the quality of life as well as the length of life:)

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