Hope you can see my pictures


Hi I just create the free acount at picturetrail, just wanted to share some pictures of me and the good old family of mine. I hope i did this right. I did put in the web in the user menu. Edit to see if the link is in.
Thanks for sharing your pictures! :+

They were really nice.

I always like seeing pictures and matching faces with names!
A person after my own heart. I too love labs! We're going to be getting a puppy in a couple months! Give yours a squeeze! Susan
Cool pics Barbara!! Your hubby sure is BUFF!! WOOWEE!!

I am currently hounding my hubby to hurry up and get the software back on our computer so I can put some updated pics on the site. I have chopped all my hair off now and do look somewhat different (if it is ONLY the hair:)

Thanks everyone!! I love looking at pictures too, and seeing who is who. Oh good luck on your purchased of your lab. I had my a little over a year, he is 2, we took him from another family. He is such a great dog. Anyway I will be going to Cape May this Saturday for a week and try and take some pictures and add it to the album. Oh my husband has been lifting well almost all his life so if it weren't for him I wouldn't be here. He is in such great shape. Sherry my son is 15 years old, and boy I thought it would get well easier as they got older boy was I wrong. Teenager is a tough age. My other son is 8 and right now he has the chickenpox, poor baby, but they are starting to dry up, thank goodness because we leave for vacation. Wow Im going to miss this board for a week. Thanks again for all the nice things:)
Hi Barbara,

Great looking family. Awesome lab. I have a lab also - his name is Sparky (ok, kind of mushy) but it fits. He followed me home one morning and he's been mine ever since.

Thanks for sharing... i'm setting mine up and will have them up shortly.

Take care,

Nice pics of the family and you!You have really nice hair too.Can I have it!!LOL:7
Just kidding.....
1. What is my son doing eating cake at your house? (He looks alot like my 12 yr. old).

2. You look too young to have a big ol' teenager, lol!

3. Your hubby = hubba hubba!:) Meant in the most respectful way, ofcoarse.

4. Love the dog!!!!

You have a beautiful family. Thanks for posting the pics!:)
Barb, it's so nice to finally put a pix with your sweet nature! Yep, teen years sure can be challenging. Looks like they have a set of good role models. Thanks for shaing your family with us. Nice pictures!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Thanks for sharing your pictures, one day I'll have to figure this out. They are beautiful!!

Janice, I love Arizona! I love the pictures of the deesert on your picture trail, they are beautiful. I plan on going down to Arizona for a vacation next winter. I live in Minnesota and get quite tired of the long cold winters. But, I do enjoy the change of seasons at first!
AS well as a lot of other people, I love to look at the pictures that poeple post. I wish that I could share my pictures, but I need to invest in a digital camera yet. (Yes, I'm way behind the times!) Maybe next christmas I will get my wish and get a digital camera/camcoder. We'll see~!
Kathy you must invest in a digital camera. It is great. I got my for Christmas. So much better then scaning my pictures. I love seeing pictures on this forum. Im going to post a few more pictures in a few minutes that I have + when I get back from Cape May, NJ.

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