Home Warranty-like or dislike


We are in the process of buying a new home, it is a resale and the seller has offered a "Home Warranty". Anyone have one they like or had one they dislike ???
Our's was for mechanical things. It covered not only the built in stuff in the house such as heater, ac, oven, but it also covered our refrig. washer and dryer. We used it several times and only had to pay $45.OO service call and it worked up well except with our AC. They did not want to use standard parts and were going to retrofit the system to make it work. We said "No Way" and had them pay us the amount of the claim and we then found our own AC guy to fix it. That's the only problem we had. It's nice when the sellar offers it, because it gives you peace of mind that should something breakdown in that first year that your there, you won't be paying an arm and leg to get it fixed.
Another thing you can do is hire a "home engineer" to do another inspection of the home.

We did this, the engineer spent 3 hours checking the house.

We had a list of things that would need replacing in a year, things that need replacing in 5 years. The bank requested a report and he sent them one listing the items as "serviceable" so the bank wouldn't try to have everything repaired before closing.

This inspection was done by a gentleman who had NO ties to the construction industry, in other words he wasn't fishing for work.

Just wondering...when you say they offered a home warranty does that mean YOU are supposed to pay for this? Around here the SELLER pays this fee to the listing realtor/insurance. It is common so, if the seller does NOT do it...buyers are suspicious. Our realtor recommended we offer it on the home we just sold...we did(couple hundred bucks). The home we bought came with one and we used it once so far (microwave), paying $50 deductible. If the seller is paying for this, I think it is a plus vs a home that does not have a warranty. If YOU are supposed to pay for this, how much is it?? How old are items in the house?? I might agree with above recommendation to hire a good inspector that can tell you how many things might need work soon (while warranty is in effect).HTH
Good luck,

Around here it's common practice for the realtor to give the home warranty as a "gift" for the sale.

I've always had a home warranty, & I always get the package with the extras (a/c, appliances, etc.). It's paid for itself many times over (last year I had a hot water heater replaced & it only cost me $50). I would definitely recommend it.
Thanks Everyone !!
The seller is offering the warranty with the sell of the home. Did anyone have a Warranty Company they liked. One we are looking at is called "American Home Shield" Does anyone have a Warranty Company they liked working with !!
Thanks for all the Advice !!
I'll have to check--there are only 2-3 companies out there--but I believe mine is American Home Shield.
MIne was through First American Home Buyers and yes...it is a great thing to have when you are buying a previously owned home. We used ours several times in the first year, and with all the other costs with new home ownership..it was nice to have a little piece of mind.

I had First American when I lived in VA. The one thing you have to look out for with them is they have a maximum on repairs for each item. I got royally screwed when my furnace went b/c they kept sending someone out to jury-rig it, & it turned out they'd spent something like $1000 on the "repairs" so there was nothing left when it actually had to be replaced about 2 months later. It ended up costing me something in the neighborhood of $4500.

When I signed on w/American Home Shield I asked them specifically about this b/c I didn't want to get stuck again. They don't have a maximum, and when something is beyond a certain age they replace it instead of trying to repair it.

All in all, a very good deal.

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