Home vs. gym


Active Member
I've often thought of joining a gym but all I've ever done is home fitness such as cardio and weight videos, treadmill, walking outside, biking, swimming and a little jogging. Excersising at home is so flexible, convenient, sanitary and inexpensive. Do you really get a better workout and results at a gym?
I would say my results are the same. But, I like to go to the gym a lot because of variety. I love swimming and using the pools, hot tubs, steam rooms etc. I love taking the different classes that are offered and the variety of equipment. It's a lot of fun and a place to go instead of being in the house all day. I work during the week so don't really go there at night, but like to go there on weekends.

They sanitize the shower floors at my gym. Every minute or so they get automatically sprayed and sanitized and I also where flip flops just in case.

I also love that my gym has a huge play area for the kids. They have a mini gym with basketball hoops, a room with computer games and a big screen tv and a big adventure play area too. My 7 yr. old LOVES to go there to play basketball, so it works out perfectly.

BTW..here's the link to my gym:

Thanks Danielle. Sounds like you really put your membership to good use. Variety, getting out of the house and especially the steam room would be great reasons to join. Although, I have known quite a few people who have bought memberships and workout for only a few months.

Thanks for your response on results, maybe I am falling for the gym commercials that show everybody is 100% super in shape and gorgeous, then I wonder what equipment are THEY using?
So, I'm undecidied and looking for other peoples experiences.
Like Danielle, I also do both. I think it gives me good variety. I would not say necessarily that I get a better workout (or results) at the gym. I think both are important for my fitness goals. I *do* think I lift a lot heavier at the gym -- for a number of reasons:

1. There are other people around and that motivates me to not look
like a wimp :)
2. For legs, I can lift much heavier because there are machines (like leg extensions and leg press) that I just don't have at home. I think Cathe even mentioned this in one of her videos -- the reason she does a lot of different counts and holds for legs is because it is hard for us to hoist a barbell onto our backs with enough weight on it to really fatigue the legs.
3. Since I'm not lifting to music, I can really take my time and lift the weights at a tempo that feels more comfortable.

Believe me -- most of the people at the gym do NOT look like the people in the commercials. A long time ago, before I ever stepped foot in a gym, I was quite intimidated by those commercials. I remember thinking that I couldn't go to a gym because I wasn't buff enough. Well, that's a bunch of BS :) Most people at the gym are very normal looking.

If you can afford it and you will use it -- a gym membership is worth the money in my opinion.


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