Home Gyms Question


I'm looking into buying a home gym. Does anyone have any recommendations? I was thinking about the BowFlex.(I guess that's the only brand I'm familiar with) Does anyone have one of these and what are your thoughts about it? Has it given you the results you've wanted? Is it easy to use? Any and all comments are appreciated.:)


I asked the same exact question about month or so ago. We made a room for exercising equipment. I decide to use free weight. You do the same exercises so why purchase something that is so very expensive? They do work them a different way, but then that is up to you. I do have a tredmill, staionary bike, and a stair climber, the rest is Cathe.

I Use all of Cathe's w/o and I'm not sorry. I see all kinds of improvements on my body. Toning like you wouldn't believe, stronger and healthier. The person that suggested that to me, also said "I know that is not what you want to here, but it works". But I bet you will get all kinds of great suggestions from the educated crowed here.

Good Luck on your decision,


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
First off, great name :7

The only advantage of bowflex (not that I own one) that I could perceive would be the addition of possible flexibility on a machine vs free weights.

Myself, I have thought about the Total body gym - think that's the name of one Chuck Norris endorses - (my SIL had used one during PT for a bad back and said it was great).

My current program is many Cathe videos (with free weights and band)and running.

Just one of those personal things . . .

Hi Jacque,

My DH and I purchased a BowFlex several years ago. I really liked it and I got great results, that along with the BFL program. Life happened and I got away from it. Needless to say, I found Cathe and now I use free weights............well, along with all the other stuff I need for her DVD's;-). On occasion I will pull the ole Bowflex out and use it for some of the exercises, but I use it mainly for a weight bench now.

Anyway, in answer to your question: yes, it does work and it is easy to use. Of course, I don't have one of the "new and improved models", but I didn't have any problem with the one we do have.

Good luck on whatever you decide to get. I know it can be a hard decision to make.

We have a Bowflex and like everyone else has mentioned, yes it works and it is very easy to use. But I would also agree that I find myself using free weights a lot more now and feel I get better results with them. The pulley design of the Bowflex tends to make it 'easier' for you to lift more weight. For example, I could easily do bicep curls with 15 lb. weights on the Bowflex but when I do them with Cathe I have to use 5-8 lbs. or I can barely move my arms.

Overall, I would say the Bowflex can give you a great weighted workout especially if you have limited time but free weights are better.

I've had a bowflex for about 5 years. I used it consistently for about 8 months along with treadmill for cardio. I got ok results. Since then I've been doing videos with free wts and results have been much better for me. That said, I think there are things you can do on a bowflex that are nice to have. Leg extensions, leg curls, lat pull downs.


I was all set to buy a Bowflex up until I herniated C5-6 turning an extremely obese patient in work. Not only because of the injury - but I am also on worker's comp (1/3 of what I made). I have an appt. with a neurosurgeon Sept. 5. Once I am healed (surgery v. PT) - I will 'go ahead' with my plans. I was going between the Revolution and the Ultimate 2.
I am bummed because I have lost 35 pounds since December and was starting to see definition in my arms and abs and then high dose steroids, Percocet and immobility come along. I swear the Oreo cookies are jumping on my lap from the closet. (Percocet and will power have not met each other!) I can walk on the treadmill, some mild leg work, but anything else is painful. I have tried very light arms but pay for it later. So I sit and wait until Labor Day.
Jacque - I have a Bowflex Sport and I love it, although I'm selling it since I just got my new home gym. It was a tough decision, as I really have enjoyed Bowflex for about 6 years (this is my second one and I've only had it about a year). The only reason I wanted something different is because I really wanted a smith squat rack. I was going to get just that and keep the Bowflex, but then we found a home gym with the smith squat rack plus anything else I could ever want.

I also love Cathe weight workouts - they work wonders. But I like variety. Some days I just don't feel like doing a DVD and just want to lift on my own. I probably do about half and half.

NurseCD - so sorry about your injury. I hope you're back at it soon.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

I have a Bowflex and use it quite a lot. I have seen great results using it alone. I do Love my Cathe workouts. I incorporate my Bowflex with these quite often. On S&H I do my squats with this and the squat attachment, as I can go heavier than trying to throw a barbell over my shoulders. I have used it in place of dumbbells when using Cathe. I also use it to add on say leg, extensions with the attachment or pull downs with my lat tower. Great for resisted ab work as well. It does have a different feel from free weights and takes a little getting used to. The resistance is not as hard as the amount of weight it claims you are lifting so you have to make adjustments. If something happened to mine which I have had for 4 years I would purchase another one.
Diane Sue
Thanks everyone for all of your comments and suggestions. I guess I probably should of added a little more detail to my original post.:) I do own all of Cathe's workouts and this is what currently makes up all of my weight work. We're in the process of building a house that will have an exercise room (Yay!):7 and I was considering buying something for that just to add some variation to my workouts. I have a treadmill already so I thought maybe something like a Bowflex (or any other home gym) might make a good addition.
Any other comments or suggestions would be appreciated. Is there another brand of home gym someone recommends?

Hi Jacque,
My opinion would be I definaltey the Bowflex Extreme because you can do like over 100 gym exercises on it, and you really wouldn't have to buy and more wieght machines (since I assume you already have weights and a barbell for Cathe workouts) Since you already have a tread, maybe try an Ellipitcal or even the Nautilus Treadclimber. It IS similar to a tread, but you can climb and walk at the same time so it gives you like a 2 in 1 cardio workout. They also say its good for you abs and core as well. Just my 2 cents;-). Good Luck w/ it!


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