Holy crap, I just got a flu shot and...


I can't move my arm!! Seriously. I'm in so much pain. I got the shot at 10am this morning and it's now 3pm and my arm is throbbing. I can't even pick up a pencil without shrieking in pain.

Everyone at work thinks I'm being a big baby, but man, this thing hurt!!! At least I got it in my left arm since I'm right handed. I can't remember having a shot hurt me this much. The pain is literally radiating down into my hand. Is this normal? Has anyone else had pain like this after a flu shot?

ETA: The Nov. rotation calls for 4DS KB/Legs tonight but I don't think I can manage hooks, jabs, and uppercuts with my arm like this! Son of a.... x( x(


I often experience the same and it drives me nuts. I guess it just depends on where you get stuck with the needle.
Yes this happens to me! I am getting one Friday (after my upper body work :) ) I have noticed it is sore for about 3 days.
My arm is always sore after a flu shot. Not as bad as yours sounds, but still quite uncomfortable. But it should subside soon. Hang in there-at least you won't be getting the flu!


Not to alarm you, but a friend of mine had a flu shot the other day and had a hideous reaction to it. I don't know the details of her situation, but she was off work for nearly a week. You may want to call your doctor, just to make sure you're okay.

I've had flu shots before, and normally I just get sick as a dog - not a sore arm. I can say that a tetanus shot has made my arm feel broken though...some of those shots are brutal.

Have had them about 5 or 6 years in a row. Two years ago was bad - quite sore and couldn't lift without soreness for a couple of days.

It hurt when I got it though also - definitely think it depends on how "giver" "sticks" you.

Agree with the pain reliever and some heat. Should help it heal quicker.
I don't know - it must just depend on who gives it to you (?) I had one a few weeks ago and I was probably lifting within 3 hours later. Sorry you had a bad experience!

Feel Better! About a month ago I had the flu shot in one arm and a tetanus (sp?) shot in the other and I was shocked at the flu arm hurting as well as the tetanus one. They told me to move it as much as I could, so I did Cathe aerobics :) :)

It does get better! Hang in there!

Hi Allison.

I can sympathize with you!! I got one yesterday at 3:00 and had a bunch of weight work on tap for that night---it did not happen. I was able to do cardio and some light bicep/tricep work, but I had to lift lighter than usual. I knew anything overhead was completely out. I am still sore today, but I was able to do 4DS KB/BC cardio. It was a little painful, but I managed. At least I have not had the flu the past 3 years (which is how long I have gotten the flu shot). Hang in there!! Hopefully you will feel much better tomorrow:)
Thanks for all the advice and support guys! I was able to do 4DS KB last night with very minimal pain so at least that worked out.

But alas, every time I turned onto my left arm as I slept last night I woke up to some serious pain. :( Ah well. At least I won't be getting the flu. Cuz when I do, it hits bad. I can't afford that time off of work (and working out!!;)) right now!


Flu shots can hurt if the muscle isn't relaxed.
I once had to scootch my shoulder up out of my shirt to get one, making the muscle tense, and it hurt like #$*@# afterwards.
When I would go sleeveless, and relax as much as possible, it didn't hurt much at all.
>Flu shots can hurt if the muscle isn't relaxed.
>I once had to scootch my shoulder up out of my shirt to get
>one, making the muscle tense, and it hurt like #$*@#

Kathryn--that's exactly what I had to do too! It hurt when she injected the shot and afterwards it was twice as bad. It still hurts a bit today, but not as much as yesterday.



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