Hip problems



I'm wondering if you could tell me or direct me to a site that might have information about hip pain. I started having some about a week ago and immediately stopped running. Actually it started hurting not when I was running but when I was vacuuming. Exercise and stretching seems to help it. It's not very painful but I'm trying to take good care of this old body so I can stay active as long as I can. Thanks, Lora
Hi, Lora, here's a couple of.....

websites. www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/hipinjuriesanddisorders.html and http.//orthopedics.medscape.com. When I first started running about 7 years ago, before I learned about shoes and orthotics (the hard way), I used to pull hip muscles and groin muscles alot. Try to perservere! Good luck. I hope these websites help!

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