Hip Hop Abs.......


I seen the infomercial and the workouts look awesome. What do you think about these workouts? And it you have them share your thoughts:) ;-)

I'm interested as well. It took me years to get used to Cathe--will these workouts work for the choreographically challenged?
I just ordered them this weekend, so I'll let you know. I did read on the Ya's that they're pretty low impact, more like the "walking" version of TJ.
From what I seen the other day these workouts are great:p What I like the most our all the hip hop moves. oh, Shaun aint bad to look at either ;) :9
I only have the basic set and only use them as add ons and easy days. They are fun workouts and I like standing abs. Shaun is definitely not hard to look at.
LOVE LOVE LOVE HHA! I only bought level 2 - already had the gloves so it was a good deal. I ended out buying HBT too.

I love it! I tried to do it as a doubles for X but was TOO MUCH! I was exhausted and didn't make any strength gains so I'm doing TJ doubles.

Once this round is over I'm going to do a HHA/TJ rotation with Cathe's GS.

It's FUN - I love the music and the dancier moves - personally I like this as a balance to the more gym style workouts!

I got it for my daughter (21) and she loves it too!
I sold the basic set. I mantain the level 2 but I use the music of the Les Mills Body Jam workouts. I don't like the HHA music. If you can try Body Jam I recommend it. The DVDs with the classes are very hard to get but believe me these are the best dance classes.

Mariángeles a spanish turbo jam junkie

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