Hip Flexors question


Active Member
Hello Cathe
I hope you can help me.
I have been getting a very loud clicking noise for the past 4 - 6 weeks or so coming from my hip flexors (well I think it is from my hip flexors)usually when I lift my knees up ( bike manouvers) and also when I am not excerising too, there is absolutely no pain just this very loud clicking. Any insight into what the problem is and what I can do to correct it would be greatly appreciated.
RE: Hip Flexors question - SIMILAR ISSUE

I've been getting a clicking in my left hip joint when doing slow front kicks (bringing the knee up and/or extending the leg) or squatting... kind of like your issue, Sue, so Cathe - do you have any ideas? Mine doesn't hurt, either, but it is scary.
RE: Hip Flexors question - SIMILAR ISSUE

Hello Gibbee
Thank you for your reply, I know what you meen about it being scary, I get a really loud clicking noise and anyone around be at the time sort of cringes in pain because it sounds so painful even though it isn't painful at all.
I wondered if I needed to stretch my hip flexors more, or, if I am stretching too much or if I need to do certain excercises for it? I really would like to hear what Cathy or anyone thinks about it. Sue
This could just be the way you're built. I once posted a thread on VF about my hip joint clicking when I tried pilates leg work, and several people had the same thing happening. With mine, it's definitely the hip joint itself, and not the hip flexor (it's a joint "crack", not a muscle pull or snap).
Hello Kathryn
Many thanks for your reply, I can certainly try a bit more pilates leg work, I have a couple of the Stott pilates videos, are there any other videos you would recommend for extra leg work? Sue
Hi Sue! I know many people who have this clicking and popping sensation, including myself, and my research has brought me to the conclusion that mine (and possibly yours too but I am not qualified to make that educated guess) is a case of "snapping hip syndrome" which is characterized as a popping noise that occurs when the hip is flexed and extended. There are several causes for it, but the most most common is due to tendons catching on bony prominences and "snapping" when the hip is moved.

I have found this to result in many from either their general body make up, or lack of flexibility in the hips, lower back, and hamstrings, and/or doing too much too soon with exercises that require these hip/back/hamstring muscles to perform under great demand(ie: kickboxing).

Since you are not experiencing any pain, I would suggest that you work on gradually gaining more core and lower body flexibiblity and see if you notice improvements over a period of 4 to 6 weeks. But if you should ever experience pain along with the clicking, I would suggest that you refrain from exercise for a few days while taking anti-inflammatory medication and of course have it checked out.

Hope this helps!
Hello Cathe
Many thanks for your reply, now I can stop worrying about it so much, though I did find the noises very alarming!
I do intend to work more on my core and flexibility with some Pilates workouts, I wondered if more stretching in this area would be the answer but didn't want to do this if it was going to make things worse so I really do appreciate your advise.
Thanks again

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