High Step


I have been wanting to get a High Step for a while, but have been avoiding it. So, I'm finally ready, and cannot find one locally to save my life. Where did y'all get yours? I just cannot see ordering one and paying shipping.
Thanks Shelley - that's what I was afraid of... I order one after I get back from North Carolina. I'm going down Monday to help my dad move into his beach house.
Thanks Pinky! I have Sports Authorities around here (which I guess is Oshman's as well). I'll call them to see if they have one.
I ordered mine off of Cathe's site in the Value bundle -- in fact it is schedule to arrive today. I am soooo excited! I would recommend that because it comes with three DVDs. Then, because it will be over $100 you can add any other DVDs for free shipping (if you want to spend that much - I have been saving up).

I just thought I'd let y'all know, I spent a fruitless day looking around San Jose for this. Came back checked out the website. I didn't want to wait a full week for the Step to arrive from Cathe, so I checked out other options. I wanted the Original Step, so Target was out (the one they offer is not a real Step, but looks like it - I was not 100% sure the risers would work with my other Step). Cathe's 2nd Day Air shipping was $50, so that was out. I check Amazon. Amazon sells it for $64.99 with a Cathe workout (supposed to be HSC, but I've heard that others are subbed sometimes). I order enough from Amazon - I read like a fiend - that I qualify for a free trial to Prime for three months, which qualifies me for free 2nd day air shipping, and overnight shipping for, get this, $3.99. So, I ordered it from Amazon and I'm having it shipped overnight. I also ordered the HSTA, which is the entire reason I want a high step, believe it or not, for $24.95 and $4.50 shipping - but that's ground (not sent through Amazon directly).
I just did HSTA this morning and it is sooooooo good!!! I got the value pack and love, love, love the high step and the high step workouts!!!

Have fun!
What do you mean that the one from Target not a 'real' step? It looks like it...and it comes with Cathe's DVD...? Is is a different size?

Can anyone confirm that it will or will not work with regular step risers?

Thanks! I have been WANTING one of these for a loooong time, but was also trying to save $$. I have risers from my regular step and would like to use them with the high step, as well.
I think she's talking about the original health club step, not the high step. Target has in the store the whole bundle with the step (the smaller one that the risers WON'T fit on anything else), stability ball, 3 lb. dumbells, resistance tubing or band, and 2 Cathe DVD's. I think the only way to get the high step from Target is to order it online, but it's the same high step, the risers from it fit the original health club step.

No, actually, I mean the Target step is not the one Cathe uses as a High Step. It is Step brand, but it's not the Club version, which is what I wanted. Sorry for the confusion. I'm sure it works the same, though. If you go to amazon.com and type in "high step" you'll get the different versions.
>What do you mean that the one from Target not a 'real' step?
>It looks like it...and it comes with Cathe's DVD...? Is is a
>different size?
>Can anyone confirm that it will or will not work with regular
>step risers?
>Thanks! I have been WANTING one of these for a loooong time,
>but was also trying to save $$. I have risers from my regular
>step and would like to use them with the high step, as well.

Yes, the risers that come with the high step from target.com works fine with the club step.

Hi Christine,

I'm in SJ too and I too went all around town today to find one. I went to the two Big Five's (Blossom Hill and Stevens Creek) and Sports Authority (Cahalan), and I finally found it at Coleman's in Valley Fair, but I hate to say that I got the last one they had :(. I'd call again in a few weeks to see if they've restocked it.


Oops I just reread your post and realized you'd already ordered it...

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