I just thought I'd let y'all know, I spent a fruitless day looking around San Jose for this. Came back checked out the website. I didn't want to wait a full week for the Step to arrive from Cathe, so I checked out other options. I wanted the Original Step, so Target was out (the one they offer is not a real Step, but looks like it - I was not 100% sure the risers would work with my other Step). Cathe's 2nd Day Air shipping was $50, so that was out. I check Amazon. Amazon sells it for $64.99 with a Cathe workout (supposed to be HSC, but I've heard that others are subbed sometimes). I order enough from Amazon - I read like a fiend - that I qualify for a free trial to Prime for three months, which qualifies me for free 2nd day air shipping, and overnight shipping for, get this, $3.99. So, I ordered it from Amazon and I'm having it shipped overnight. I also ordered the HSTA, which is the entire reason I want a high step, believe it or not, for $24.95 and $4.50 shipping - but that's ground (not sent through Amazon directly).