high step


I have not started using the Cathe videos yet but I am very interested. I was looking at purchasing somethings, but I am a little confused about the high step. The step that appears to be available online, the working area is not as long as the one I have seen on most of the videos. Am I correct about this and if so where do you get the longer step?
You will want to look for the Club Size Step--you can find it at WalMart.com for about the best price. Shipping does get steep. Or if you have time to wait for one & have the patience of Job, you can try ebay. I paid $47.50 for mine (including shipping) but it took 3 weeks to finally win one at a low, low price.
I looked on walmart.com and the high step on that site was 16x16 also. the other one was called the origional health club step and its dimensions were 14x40, and would be raised to 4,6,and 8 inches. Is this the one you were referring to? if so will the risers for the high step fit this step?
thanks for all the help!!!
Walmart has two...the "high step" and the "original club step". Cathe uses both depending on the workout video, just a different color.

The risers are interchangeable, this I promise. I have both the "high step" and the "original club step" and switch them up all the time. I add risers to my club step to use as a bench, then add risers to my high step for a greater leg press challenge.

Some walmarts carry these items in the stores, you may be able to avoid shipping. Walmart has been know to have the best price on these two items.

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