High Step



I'm trying to determine whether it's better to purchase a high step or just buy additional risers for my traditional step. Any thoughts? Thanks!!!

I finally broke down and purchased the high step last year about this time. But in reality, adding risers to your existing bench step will work just fine. You can even turn your step sideways for the high step workouts like HSTA. Good luck making your decision.

I think you can add risers. I have the FIRM fanny lifter and I use it with the leg presses. In the cardio I use my tradinional step.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:) :)
I think you can add risers. I have the FIRM fanny lifter and I use it with the leg presses. In the cardio I use my tradinional step.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:) :)
I also broke down and bought the high step. I think it's easier to adjust the risers when you don't have much time between exercises/circuits. If you already have the traditional step with the square shaped risers (from "The Step" company), you can use those risers and just buy the high step topper. I only had two risers so that wasn't an option for me; but if you have 4 risers, you should be good.
I started out by just adding risers to my traditional step because, at the time, I couldn't afford to buy the high step. I had found a GREAT deal on eBay for a set of 12 risers for $2 per riser. I saved up over the last year and recently bought the high step. Although the step works, the high step is a bit more convenient when you are moving quickly.

I recommend buying the topper only, and using the step risers you already have. I used to use my regular step, turned lengthwise, and it worked fine. But the High Step seems a bit more stable for some moves.

I can see that you use The Firm. I do The Firm and I pre-ordered the hardcore, but have never done Cathe videos.

How are you planning to use the Fanny Lifter with the band???? You know if is not flat to the floor like the high step. I don't have a bar bell and cannot buy one right now. So I am going to sub there too.

How do you incorporate Cathe videos to The Firm????? Are you a The Firm Club member????

Thank you for your help in replying to my questions and happy holidays.

Life is good.:)
Hi Slimbr. I am not a firm club menber. I have the 6 vhs old classic and the BSS 1 and there is not comparation between Cathe and the firm. I only stay using the volume 1 with Susan Harris. I love the floor work of this workout. I don't know how I am going to use the bands with the fanny lifter. Anyway I prefer to buy more Cathe's workouts than the high step. I don't have a barbell but my dumbbells stay being a challenge for me.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:)
Hi: I recently bought The Firm box and accompanying videos. I primarily use the Firm Box as an incline bench and with the legs extended so the box is high, and use that for the leg presses. I don't use it for step. I used to like The Firm in the early days and bouth the Firm box thinking I could use it for step aerobics but you can't. I have a separate Reebok step for Step aerobics as, like you state, The Firm Box is not secure. (P.S. It just broke and they're sending me a new one)

I am not a Firm Club member because I'm now totally converted to Cathe. I find her workouts more challenging and great choreography for step classes. I know you will be very happy when you start working out with Cathe. Thank you for your email and I hope mine was helpful in some way.

Happy Holidays
I just wanted to say hi! I know exactly who you are and am wondering if you will recognize me! If not check the rotation check-in on Lisa's Board at the Firm website. It's so funny the girls over there got me interested in Cathe too. I don't know if I'm ready to just dismiss the Firm as some of the ladies did here (LOL!) but, I definitely am looking forward to new challenges.

Hi, yes I know who you are. It is funny that we have to pay in the Firm what we get here in Cathe for free. I am really thinking about stop paying The Frim for the club member. Think about it. The money I will save I can get Cathe's videos for 2006. hehehe.


I can believe I am already thinking about it.
Hey! The Firm #1 with Susan Harris is my favorite Firm also. I especially enjoy the floorwork. Uh...mainly because I'm on the floor and not jumping or stepping. (Yes, I'm lazy.) :7 I have avoided step videos but I am willing to try with Cathe.
I guess you are right, $120.00 would buy quite a few sets over here wouldn't it? Never thought about it that way.

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