High Step Training Beginner/ Intermediate


Active Member
Do any of you advanced exercisers use this DVD and how? I'm contemplating ordering this one for variety, but I am afraid it will be too easy. Any advice??

I think it's a great DVD to have around for days when you need to go lighter, or perhaps when you want to do an extra workout that day, or on those days you know you should workout, but just aren't feeling strong or into it. My 13 year old daughter LOVES this DVD, and it's perfect for her level, so I'm really glad I bought it!

Actually, the High Step TRAINING is an advanced workout (it's clearly marked as advanced, and I think this label is accurate), and, it's really a good workout. The High Step CIRCUIT, however is beginning/intermediate, an I find it too easy for advanced work. These are both part of the most recent series, and the closeness in their titles can easily lead to confusion (and disappointment). High Step TRAINING includes five challenging cycles, each with a cardio blast, leg presses, and weight work. It reminds me a little of a mix between Muscle Endurance and Boot Camp. The only complaint I have is that it doesn't have ab work, Cathe states that many of the exercizes do work the core however. High Step CIRCUIT has five fairly interesting cycles, they just move slowly, have fewer reps. You can, however, make your step higher, add more weight, etc. If you're looking for advanced, get the High Step Training.
I think the step work in High Step Circuit is more interesting than in High Step Training. HST is all leg presses on the high step. HSC has a variety of lunge variations onto and off of the lower step. However, I think the resistance work is better in the advanced workout.
I ordered this DVD first from the series. After doing the Basic Step workout once and acquainting myself with Cathe's steps/cueing, I thought I'd never do it again because it is quite easy. I like Body Fusion as an intermediate type of workout. Anyway, I've found myself using Basic Step as a short add-on cardio workout after doing a sculpting or circuit workout. I've even done it on a day that I've been short on time and just wanted to quickly get in a simple cardio workout. So, I've surprised myself by using it more than I anticipated. And, of course, I've had to add the other two DVD's in the series to my collection!
Writer, since the original poster put the words "Beginner/Intermediate" in her title, I think we all just assumed she meant the High Step Circuit DVD, and responsed accordingly. But thanks for clarifying it for anyone who wasn't sure.


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