high step circuit



I purchased this dvd when the new dvds came out. I am going to give it a try next week. I love the high step training advanced.

I don't see the high step circuit workout mentioned on here much,do any of you do it very much?.I was just curious is all. I see it rated at 5:27. I do realize this is for beginner to intermediate.
I will just have to give it a try. I guess it could be used on a lighter day.

Have a nice weekend and thank you

Deb:) :)
Deb, I did this a couple of weeks ago and like you have had it but just had not done it! :) Anyway, I thought it was fun and a strong intermediate workout. It was obviously less intense then HSTA and I upped my weights a little for the the weight portions. It was good! :)

Edited to add: it uses the tubing which was new for me and more challenging then I expected!

Hi Jo

I did it today to I really liked it a lot. I love using the tubing it is challenging for me too. I upped my weights a bit. I think I will add it in to my next week rotation.

I agree it isn't as tough as the high step training advanced. I find I do better if I do diferent workouts and work out with different intensity levels. My body seems to like it a lot better.I have been getting better results. I just thought I would share. I hope you have a great day today. Thanks for responding.

Deb:) :)
Good! I agree with you about mixing the intensity levels and actually I've been doing the same. I have a happier body! You have a great day too!! :)

I do like this workout for the varied intensity. But I usually always do one riser higher than Cathe uses (I am 5'11" anyways) and use heavier weights and always feel like I got a good workout. I do like the tubing - except for the pliea (sp?) squats - they are awkward for me with the tubing.

Anne :D

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