High Step Circuit-Beginner--confused? Push&Pull vs Supersets?

I am new to Cathe and have her Basic Step & Body Fusion, Muscle Endurance , Power Hour. I am hooked already.Although I still get a little klutzy with the stepping.
I was looking for another easy beginner tape and ran across, High Step Circuit-Beginner..Is this has easy to follow as Basic Step & Body Fusion?
Also looking or a beginner Body shaping tape, Which is better for a newbie? Push & Pull or SuperSets?
Thanks, i know i ask for a lot, but when ya gotta know, ya gotta know
For the body shaping Cathe's Push/Pull and Supersets are far easier than he other total body workouts. High Step Circuit Beginner is a total body workout with cardio, only it is not as intense as the advance. Fair warning, you do need a high step or if you are a former Firmer a fanny lifter. But since you have Muscle Endurance (which is another tough full body workout for Cathe) then after previewing the workout you know this.

Hope this helps.

Thanks Linda.
When you say a high step, you mean the type used in muscle endurance? I have that(I think) and I have the firm fanny lifter also, can I use this?

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