Yes...but I do not know what they are. I traded this dvd so I can not check for you. I think the premixes included cardio and upper body, cardio and lower body....sorry I can not remember more!
I don't think High Step Circuit has premixes, but High Step Training does. High Step Circuit just has a zillion chapters. At least from what I've seen on my screen.
I'm almost certain that there is a timesaver premix, but I think that's it. HSTA definitely has more flexible premixes, but I find that I can often just advance through HSC w/ my remote and get at the pieces I want with little inconvenience.
Julie...I am going to send you a PM...I am so sorry...I got mixed up...I thought you were asking about High Step Challange from the Hardcore series...I am so sorry....please forgive my mind-slip!
You don't have premixes in the HS Circuit.You have these premixes in the HS advanced:
All 5 cardio sections: 12 minutes
Cardio and lower body only: 26 minutes
Cardio and upper body only: 35 minutes
Lower and upper body only:38 minutes
Upper body only: 21 minutes
Lower body only: 13 minutes
Stretch: 5 minutes
Warm up: 5 minutes
Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie.