high step challenge


Active Member
I am somewhat new to Cathe. I had purchased a couple of her videos a while back but then started doing the firm videos, which were not giving me any results, so now I am back to Cathe. Her videos seem to be more eased and definitely with better form. For my cardio, I am running 4 times a week for 30 minutes, but I just purchased the high step challenge because I need some type of strength training and toning. Is this a good choice or does anyone have any recommendations? I also have the pushpull/supersets. Thanks.
High Step challenge is one of my favorite workouts and covers everything from cardio and weights, . . mixing everything up to keep the body working. I love it but if you are looking for more of a muscle weight training workout I would highly recomend muscle endurance- you'll find it with the boot camp dvd. That DVD really, . .really works your muscles hard and offers a great challenge. I too like to run but I have found that lifting has increased my running endurance and perfected my form. I like to trail run so I do a lot of hills and terrain varriation. Preview it and see if you like it.
I actually just started running. I am really just looking for weight loss and to tone up. Since I run 4 days a week, I was not sure if adding the high step challenge would be too much cardio. I was doing the firm and it seemed like I just bulked up so much, but I have read that runners need strength training to help prevent injury. I need something that will tone me up without adding bulk and that does not fatigue my legs so much with the running. Im not real knowledged on exercise. Thank you for your suggestion. I will definitely keep it in mind...If you or anyone else has any more thoughts, I would greatly appreciate it.
"I need something that will tone me up without adding bulk and that does not fatigue my legs so much with the running"

Adding weight training has definitely not fatigued me while running. As a matter of fact I run better, faster, and longer. I think that there is this huge misconception that lifting will bulk you up but there are so many articles out there that say otherwise.
Remember to keep up the cardio which burns the fat layer over your muscles which will prevent you from bulking up. Stretching is also important because it makes a nice lean muscle, . . think ballet dancers. Keep it up. The running will do wonders for your cardio health and weight loss goals. In my opinion it's one of the fastest way to lose fat that and jump roping. Good luck!
Thank you! You have been a big help to me. I think I will get the muscle endurance or muscle max to add to running a couple of times a week. :)
>I think I will get
>the muscle endurance or muscle max to add to running a couple
>of times a week. :)

Those are really, really good! Enjoy! :)

I run so much farther and faster, and with better form, since I started lifting. As for "too much bulk," I'm a fairly muscular gal and that's never been a problem. Lean muscle is nice and compact.

As for leg fatigue, as long as you time it so you don't run the day after a hard leg workout, you'll be all right.
Thanks...I am trying to put a rotation together, but I am not sure how. I plan to run for 30-40 minutes at least 3 or 4 times a week, but I will also have the high step challenge and I have decided to purchase the muscle endurance because the muscle max looks way to advanced for me right now (maybe later) plus I have the high step..I have some pilates tapes also, which I might want to incorporate at least one day to..can anyone help me put a rotation together..:7

(I also have cathe's basic step & body fusion, total body stretching, low impact step with total body sculpting, high step circuit, and supersets& pushpull)

beth i have to warn you muscle endurance is no walk in the park either. i actually find muscle max easier but what you can do with both is just work at your own pace. use a weight that works for you and use the premixes.
yeah....I just saw that it was up there with muscle max. Do you think I should just stick with supersets/push pull for right now? I also thought about getting cardio and weights.

I agree, Muscle Endurance is pretty tough. It's fun, though.

If you want a good bang for your strength training buck, you can't go wrong with the Power Hour/Maximum Intensity Strength/Body Max DVD. PH and MIS are really good total body strength workouts.

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