High reps versus low rep rotations


Active Member
I am sure this is not an original question but I have don't a search and can't seem to find an answer. I have the CTX tapes, PS series and the MIS tape (plus a bodypump tape). I am trying to determine how to rotate in a high rep tape like MIS into my schedule. Are they just for those just starting out with weights? I am worried that it won't give any results now that I have progressed to the PS series and CTX series. I originally started with MIS and did it 2-3 times a week, then I did the PS series each tape once per week, and now I am doing the CTX series every week. Each rotation was 8-12 weeks. Do I just forget about MIS and Bodypump or is there some advantage to incorporating them in - if so how? Sorry if you have already answered this before.

Just putting this question to the top. I was in a huge hurry when I wrote my question and I am sooooooo embarassed that I made so many typos! Whoops! Anyway, does anyone have any thoughts on this high rep versus low rep question. I seem to always ask the unpopular questions (in terms of getting feedback) so please respond - this is so discouraging (and please don't let my spelling detract you) Thanks!
Hey lora-kate...
don't think that your questions are unpopular, sometimes it's just that no-one knows the answer, or, that the answer is "it depends".

I have those tapes you mentioned (except bodypump) and have done something similar to what you did: started with the MIS total body workouts a few times a week, then the PS split, then the CTX series. I think there are still lots of ways you can use MIS. Depending on what your goals are, you can use it as a "catch-up" total body day after doing each PS tape once. I was thinking of doing a two day split with it after I finish CTX, with lower body plus cardio one day, and upper body plus cardio another day with pure cardio or yoga in between. To me, it feels like more strength than CTX and more endurance than PS, so it fills in a nice middle ground. To be honest, though, I think I don't use this tape as much as I should because I don't like the set or music as much as I do on the PS and CTX series, although the workout itself is excellent - I need to get over that!

Anyway, I don't know if this is the kind of answer you're looking for but I didn't want you to feel your questions were unpopular ;)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-10-01 AT 05:33PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi!

I "love" PS and the CTX series and "like" MIS and BMX. But I always include MIS and BMX in my rotations because they're a different style of work out which keeps shaking things up. My rotations are usually 4-5 weeks. The way I use MIS in a rotation is to either (a)alternate it with cardio 2 to 3 times per week, lifting as heavy as I can without killing myself ;-) (b) when doing CTX, add an MIS body part or 2 on after the CTX weight work, for example, CTX shoulders then MIS shoulders. The second option kind of defeats the endurance part of MIS but the different style of reps and added time working a specific part feels good to me or (c)like Sophie, I split the UB and LB and do them with a cardio.

For some reason I cannot lift as heavy with MIS or CTX as I can with PS which is why I just love, love, love PS :-jumpy But I definitely see more cuts in my arms when I alternate my weight workouts. (I can't wait for the new Slow & Heavy Series).

Anyway the point of this long,babbly post is that IMHO you should keep incorporating MIS into your rotations because it's the change that keeps you progressing. Don't worry, you won't lose strength gains but will definitely gain endurance :)

Happy Lifting!

Hi Lora-Kate! The way I incorporate MIS and Bodymax into my rotation is: I'll do 2 bodyparts that day (i.e. chest and tris). I'll do the chest from PS series & Bodymax and tris from PS series & Bodymax tacking on the warm up from PS series first. I only work my shoulders one day because of so many different exercises and really wanted to blast them! I wanted more muscle definition and got just that. You'll definitely feel the burn and fatigue in your muscles. Your exactly at the point I'm at using 45 lbs. w/PS series & 35 lbs. w/leaner legs. You can use this same method when using MIS tape. It takes a bit of cueing up of each tape but it's worth it! Let me know what you think of this. Good luck! Kathy
Hi Lora-Kate! Sorry it has taken me so long to respond. There is no exact science as to how/when to lift weights. Once you have been on a particular program for 8 to 12 weeks, it is always good to shock your muscles with a new rotation to break through a plateau.

Based on what you wrote and the tapes that you have, here is what I suggest:

Since you are happy with your strength gains from the PS series, then I would suggest that for every 8 to 12 week PS rotation, you do MIS 2 to 3 times per week (as you stated that you were doing before) for about THREE weeks. This will shock your system, provide a cross training effect, and recruit some muscle fibers in new ways.

Then go back to PS for 8 to 12 weeks. After that, again shock your system but this time do the CTX weights for three weeks.

Again return to PS for 8 to 12 weeks and then shock your system with two Body Pumps per week along with one MIS per week for three weeks, etc.

What I have also found to be very beneficial to the muscles recovery and strength gain is to take one week off of lifting weights any time you feel that your muscles are overtired and simply dragging with almost every workout. Good Luck!
Thanks everyone for your responses! I totally appreciate the time people take to respond and will definitely try out your ideas. Quite honestly with two high energy kids, teaching, and training I really want my rotations to be as simple and effective as possible. I don't know why - but trying to be creative with my personal fitness just wears me out mentally. So, as I said before, THANKS for making the process a little bit easier.

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