High Reps UB Premix No Back?


I noticed today when doing High Reps Upper Body Premix that the back chapter was not included. I flipped through the Lower Body Premix to see if it was included there, but it was not. Has anyone else noticed this? I am wondering if perhaps my DVD is defective. Thank you.
Yours is not defective, mine is the same way. I thought the exact same thing the last time I did that premix (a week or two ago) :confused:
Follow Up

Hi Kiki, thanks for replying. I did some poking around the forum earlier and found another thread that discussed this issue. The suggestion was to run the "UB first" premix but stop and forward when you get to legs to the stretch chapter. That way you get the back chapter to be included. I'm guessing that it would be an extra 5 minutes or so (44 minutes total).
Ooh thanks for the tip, Linda ;). I hadn't even thought to look around the forums, but I'll def be doing that the next time.

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