High reps = better definition myth, exercising to change shape



I was just wondering about people's opinions on how to weight train to 'change' your shape.

I have read in numerous sources it is a common gym myth that "more reps equals better definition". I have read that a muscle can only do one thing - grow bigger (and get smaller too of course :)) and you cannot train it to achieve definition. Also, just like a lady called kathryn said in response to an earlier question of mine, you cannot elongate a muscle either.

However, I do believe that you can alter the appearance of your body by the way you train. For example, you can give the illusion that your waist is thinner than it is by emphasising your lats. Also, concentration curls are always suggested to peak your biceps.

Does anyone have experience of training to achieve a specific look, particularly their arms? I owuld be very interested to hear.

Thanks very much
Andrea :)
Well... I can only speak for myself and my experience, but here it is FWIW. I would say I look like Brenda the back up exerciser. I have not always looked like I look now. I have used Intensity series, Body Blast, and High Step Advanced and I use slightly more weight than they use on the video. Cleaning up the diet is critical for muscle definition and you can't overeat. I have not mastered this yet.

I think if you have in your mind that there is ONE way that you want to look, you will never be happy with your success. Train well, eat well, and be the best Andrea you can be. ;o)

One note of encouragement: About a year ago, I started wanting a six pack and have worked on it for a year. I do not have a six pack but I do have a 4 pack, a midline that is visible and 2 diagonal lines on each side. It has taken a long time to change it from nothing into that. I plan to keep working on it and see what I can do. No more frustrating goals for me, however. I just want to be thankful that I am healthy enough to workout at this level. Truly, that is not to be taken for granted!

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