High/Low floor cardio, low impact, but advanced

Me too! After doing a week of high impact my hip and I, even though I modify quite a bit, are ready for some gentler exercise for sure!
Great idea! I'd really love to see more hi/lo. I just did a mish-mosh of MIC hi/lo and Low Max blasts and it was a great workout.

I totally agree! My knees ache after too much step, and I ADORE Cathe's workouts, so I end up usually doing too much step. An all-floor workout would be fantastic!
I agree! More non step cardio workouts if possible! Maybe done in the same format as SJP (without the S)

Hi, I just posted a similar idea, and I can't believe I didn't scan far enough to see yours was already here! (My brain is not engaging today.) I hope Cathe considers it... It would be really fun!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
I would love to see another Hi/Lo cardio segment like the one in Step, Jump and Pump that you would do either high impact or low impact. Yes, and it would be great if it were an hour long.

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