Hi there -- haven't posted for awhile!


Hi there!
I haven't posted for awhile... I think I gave some responses to other ladies' posts, but that was it...

Just to update everyone... I'm about 13 weeks now. I had my latest appt on Tues, and I got to hear my little one's HB! That was so exciting! I'm really glad I heard it, because I'm not showing yet, and it's been a month since I saw my baby on the ultrasound, so I just needed some reassurance that there really is someone in there! :)

Morning sickness is tapering off slowly (knock on wood). I still get very tired in the evenings (sometimes I'm in bed by 7pm). I'm easing back into my exercise routine (I work out in the a.m.) -- I took a break because of the m/s. I haven't tried my new Cathe DVD's yet because I figure I need to work up to them because of my time off ;)

So in 4 weeks, I'll have a quad screen done, then 4 weeks after that will be the next u/s. I just found out that the company I work for will reimburse me for Lamaze classes -- yay! Other than being tired, I'm so giddy about being a mom!

Lots of love to you all
EDD 6/27/04
Hi Charlene, glad all is going well and that your morning sickness is ending!!! Last night we picked up the old Bill Cosby video from the library - Bill Cosby as Himself and part of the monologue was about when he and his wife took Lamaze classes. I know it's old, but it was still so funny hearing him describe the process of "natural childbirth" and what happens when the baby is born. I'm overdue so I needed a laugh!! You made me think of it when you mentioned lamaze classes!!

Charlene, that is soo exciting. You young gals are so blessed to have Ultrasound tests! Keep us posted! Briee, have you heard Bill Cosby's speech on building an Ark? I wish I had it still. Had it years ago and I used to laugh my head off. He is sooo funny!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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