Hi - Newbie here.....


After lurking for awhile, I thought I would finally come out of hiding and introduce myself. I have just started using Cathe and am so impressed with her workouts! I started with the Firm back in 1986 (when there was only one video!) and was hooked on combining cardio and weights. For the past year or so I had been reading alot about Cathe on the various chat boards and was intrigued by all the positive comments. Her website is amazing and I love how she not only gives you previews of the workouts, but offers amazing discounts. I had intended to start with just one video, but wound up getting 6!!!! Her workouts were just what I needed to shake up my routine and I am seeing results already! She cues impeccably and is so honest and just downright friendly you feel like you are working out with a good friend.

Anyway, not to ramble but just had to say hi to everybody and I think that you all are very knowlegeable, supportive, and have given me some great tips already!
Welcome Fitone! The more the merrier. Everyone is really great about answering any questions you may have and giving encouraging words.
Hi Fitone! And a very big WELCOME to you! Glad you decided to join us. You will find the best advice, encouragement when you need it and most of all some of the best friends you'll ever "meet"! Thanks for introducing yourself. I look forward to "seeing" you here!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Thanks everyone for your kind words! Debbie H., I love your "logo message"! I sat it out for many years before I finally decided to dance.........
Welcome Aboard, Fitone! Glad you finally decided to stop lurking! :) I know you will enjoy all of Cathe's routines. She's kind of addictive though so watch out!! Susan

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