Hi/Lo Videos


My knee has been hurting lately and I thought perhaps I should do more hi/lo instead of jogging and step.

Could you suggest some videos that are the same intensity as Cathe's. ( I have all of hers)

Thanks, Sharon
Hello Sharon! If you're having problems with your knees I don't think doing Hi/Lo is going to help you. Most Hi/Lo tapes on the market today are mostly high impact. Very high impact! They include some low impact recovery intervals and low impact warm ups but the rest are high impact moves. I think hi/lo is harder in terms of impact than step because the step cushions most high impact moves that would be awful for your knees when practiced on the floor. I think that if you're trying to reduce or eliminate the impact on your cardio routines you should try to modify the high impact moves when you do step, or do low impact floor or step aerobics instead. Well that being said, I still think hi/lo is great for cross training and you get your heart rate up there all the time. If you still want to try it there's Cathe's MIC Hi/lo section (although I still modify some high impact moves) and Christi Taylor has great hi/lo tapes like Hi/Lo Heaven and Happy Hour Hi/Lo (also very high impact).
Thank you very much for the advice. I guess you are right that it is just as hard. I will just try to modify. Thanks
Gee, I think the Firm 4-limbed aerobics is perfect. Now if I could think of a Firm tape that is ALL low-impact... but I can't...

Even the typical Firm tape gets your HR right up there with minimal high impact. The impact segments are shorter than in any all-step or all-hi lo tape.

Firm Classics Volume 5 and 6 are low impact. Volume 5 is now known as "Abs, Hips & Thighs Sculpting" and Volume 6 is "Complete Aerobic Weight Training". Vol 5 comes with a complete floor section for the lower body and Vol 6 is all standing except for the ab work. There's also Firm's Cardio and Strength. They are low impact and very advanced. And Firm's Tortoise and Hare are of mixed impact, but low impact modifications are shown. I wonder if these tapes are still available with all the company changes at the Firm. hmmmm :-rollen

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