Hi! I am a newbie here ..


Active Member
But not with Cathe. I've am a avid fitness fan, but Cathe's tapes have me questioning my long-time love affair with the Firm!

I am Cee. I am hoping to plug in and get some suggestions and advice on continuing my gains (and make some new friends!). I am 41.5 years, wed to the Spouse for 20 years and have two teenage sons. Any NC folks or Bostonians (I am a former) give me shout outs!

Man! Love my triceps! I gave in to the bigger weights, and I love it!



Be a first rate version of yourself, and not a second rate copy of someone else.

-- Judy Garland :7
Hi Cee and welcome!! Although I'm not very familiar with the FIRM (did a few a very long time ago) I am quite familiar with Cathe. So, let us know what kind of workouts you're looking for, how quickly you learn choreography, what equipment you already have, etc. and we'll help you spend some money!!


P.S. A little about me...married for 3 years, no children, live in the midwest and started working out in high school with Denise Austin and Gilad. Boy, I've come a long way!! Did I mention I have one of those skinny husbands that don't workout and can eat nachos for dinner??
You will LOVE this site! It is tremendously helpful, and nothing but encouraging and supportive. Plus, it's FREE!! The Firm charges.....yucky!

I think we have a lot in common. I am 37, have two boys (one teen, one right behind)and a girl, have been married for 18 years to my highschool sweetie (total of 24 years together! Yippee!), but I am opposite ocean from you.....I live in the High Sierras.

I was a huge Firm fan, loved them, until I discovered Cathe. I still like the Firm, and tell people about it, but I happily find it too easy now. I never thought I would say THAT in a million years!! Cathe truly does take you to the "next step". I will always keep my Firm tapes, just in case.....but they have a nice layer of dust on them.

Hope you find everything that you are looking for here, it really is a nice little community.

Take care,
Welcome aboard Cee! I too think you'll enjoy it here! I have found these "cyberfriends" to be very encouraging and motivating to me!
Stay strong-Susan
Dani ..

I agree with you. I would have NEVER thought there was anything tougher than the Firm! I heard about this, tried it, and I loved it.

.. and my guys are 17 and 13!

Great to meet you. I will have a lot of questions before it's over with!


"If I don't stop, I have not failed."
Thanks, Susan .. !

I want the motivation! I thrive on it! I want to go farther! (big wide smile)

Take care!


"If I don't stop, I have not failed."
Welcome, Cee!

I use both the Firm and Cathe (as well as others...with my collection of 100+ videos, I've got quite a bit to choose from!). I think you'll find they make a good combo!
Hey Cee!!!
I remember you from another board!!!!! I have been doing Cathe for a month now and have continued with the Firm. I do both and decide each day which workout to do (depending on how my body feels). I am 42 and just started stepping!!!! The Firm helped to give me a stronger body to make it through a Cathe step tape. I have also added MIS, Power Hour, and the Pure Strength Series for weight work.
I think the two can co-exist.
Hooray for those over 40!!!!!!!
Hey Cee! Welcome to Cathe's World!

Looking forward to seeing you on board! I too was a firmbeliever , then I met Cathe, who whipped my behind from the get go and let me now I was not in as good as shape as I thought I was }( She's the BEST and so is the GANG here! Unreal People, Welcome!

Hey Sherry, I pm'd you the other day, check your inbox!;-)
Hey Cee!

Welcome! I'm also a former Firm lover. You will find a lot of us here!
I must say the Firm made doing Cathe possible and I found out about Cathe (3 years ago now) from the old Firm forum!

My kids are similar age to you 14 boy and 17 girl. I may be in the minority one this one but I really enjoy them at these ages a lot!

Hi Cee! I love your signature by Judy Garland. You will find that there are a lot of us forty-somethings here on the Cathe forums. I am 47,have been married for 2 years and have a fabulous 25-yr.-old stepson. I discovered Cathe almost exactly one year ago, and have lost interest in all others! I've been posting a lot in the year that I've been on these forums, and I always get terrific, valuable, supportive responses. I'm sure you'll find it very worthwhile.

Welcome Cee! I too am a firmbeliever turned Cathe addict. In the past 9 months since doing Cathe my muscularity has changed in ways I never thought possible and I am loving every minute of it! I find that the two workouts can compliment each other quite well. I do mostly weight training vids with Cathe and the results are phenominal. For cardio, now that the weather is good, I run when the joints allow it, race walk and blade. I also throw in Cardio Kicks once in awhile.

You will never be dissapointed with Cathe. Just listen to the information on form pointers that she gives throughout the workouts and go for it!

Debra! Hey!

Why didn't you warn me of my future addiction here? LOVE IT! I still do the other board, too, but I had to come here! This is wonderful! Hmm .. let me think, let me think ..

I just ordered the Power Hour. (Chomping at the bit for it to come in!)

The others I have/or coming in are: Power Hour, Slow and Heavy Chest and Back, and biceps/triceps, Leaner Legs, Max Intensity Cardio, and Pure Strength Back/biceps/abs and Chest/shoulders/triceps.

Ha! Would you say "slightly addicted"?

You are my guide, hon. I will ask you all types of questions!


.. and I agree. Both workouts can be "a good thing!

"If I don't stop, I have not failed."
Welcome Cee! I too was a firm believer until I found Cathe - almost a year ago. I've become such a Cathe addict!!!. You will find great encouragement, advice and awesome friends on this forum! We welcome you with open arms to our family.

Take care,

.. and love Eleanor Roosevelt! Wonderful! Nothing better than us forty-something babes!

Thanks for the welcome. I am ready for the next leg of my training!


"If I don't stop, I have not failed." :7

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