Hi Everyone!


I've been a Cathe-ite (love that!) for the past year and a half but have only just gotten into the forums. I've read some posts and I really love this community. I'm really looking forward to getting to know everyone! :)

A little bit about me: I'm a sahm with 2 small children. I try to workout 5-6 days a week for about an hour. I was splitting my cardio up from my weights but found that I couldn't NOT do cardio with each workout! (Anyone else like that here?) So, I started using Cathe's circuit workouts or premixes to create what I was looking for. I also have Timesaver which has been the mainstay of my workouts and recently added CTX to my collection. When I'm not doing my workouts at home I try to ride my bike, weather permitting. One thing I really dislike about biking around here, though, is having to share the road with cars.

Anyway, just wanted to post a hello to all...!!
Welcome to the Cathe forums...

I'm relatively new here myself, but it is a great place to hangout. I've been loving my stay here and only wish I had known about Cathe a long, long time ago.

Enjoy your stay, and keep your credit card close at hand!


I'm sorry but I am racking my brain trying to figure out what sahm means? I know as soon as someone lets me know I'll think "duh" just like when I found out "mil" meant mother in law and "dh" meant darling husband. :)

Anyway, welcome to the group and talk to you soon!
sahm = stay at home mom

I know it took me a while to figure out the lingo! I'll never forget the first time I saw "LOL" and I, too, wracked my brain trying to figure it out! One thing I realized is that there's always a new acronym out there I've never seen! Guess it keeps us on our toes!
Welcome to the wonderful world of Cathe! Lots of fun people here and things you can learn everyday...Great you can get in your workouts with the little ones..:)...I don't much like sharing the roads either....and I'm a runner...:)...Carole
welcome mdm!
I am another sahm in NY who is a devout Cathe fan! I have been a Catheite since 1997. Currently I am doing CTX sereis while waiting for the Hard Core Series. How do you like CTX?

AKA "Likes2bfit"

Welcome MDM,

Glad to have you here. I too am a Catheite. Right now I'm in the process of ordering the CTX series.

Have a good day everyone.

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! :D It's nice to have a place to come to to talk about all things "Cathe"!

JAfitmama - I am loving CTX! It's amazing that Cathe is able to pack so much into an hour or less. I"ve been devoting time to learning CTX but after this week I'll be adding in Timesaver workouts and possibly some premixes to avoid boredom. As long as it's an hour and has cardio in it I'm happy! LOL! I can't wait for Hardcore either! I sure hope Cathe plans on doing some sort of compilation similar to CTX and Timesaver this time around. I've come to depend on them so much that I'm not sure I could live without the structure they provide for me! I'm sure I could work out a rotation for myself but I've never done one before! Well, now I'm rambling! LOL!

Have a great day everyone!
Hi Newby!
I would love to be a SAHM! Although I am sure you are quit busy.And there wouldn't be any real reason for me to stay at home b/c my daugther is in Grade 3.I don't think he would let me off with it.I could workout for 6 hours a day!:eek:
I am sure you will lobve the CTX series.I can't wait for the new series to come out.She always has something great up her sleeve.
Anyway, welcome...and you will learn lots of useful info around here.And you can also share your own knowledge.

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