Hi everyone... I am back!!!


Hi all...really missed you guys!!!

My computer crashed a few weeks back and I have been SOL since. FINALLY the hard drive came and I am back in business!!!

Had to take a week + off from working out though (first time I have done that in many years) due to chronic tonsilitis. Might have to get the ol' tonsils out. Doctors orders.

Also, I am getting back into the "gym" thing for now. I am going to go to my first appointment with a bona fide personal trainer!!! Only for a few sessions though, just to establish my maximum weight loads for a few exercises. After that my hubby is going to go with me to the gym atleast once a week where I can train really heavy. I think I am missing out on some good muscle by using sub maximal weight loads. Atleast that is my current thinking. I want more bang for my buck. I want time spent more wisely. My focus is going to switch to 25% cardio (all interval) and 75% weights.

Not that you all care so much, but I just wanted to let you know where I am at for now. I will spend the rest of this week catching up on all the gab I have missed!!!

Talk to you later!!

Janice, I have missed you soooooo much. Glad your back!!!! We'll be interested to see how your gym experience goes. I always seem to be in sync with what your doing somehow. About a month ago, I began to use intervals for my cardio almost exclusively. I like them by far the best and they seem to be the most effective for me. I'm so IMAXed out.....looking for other interval vid's now unless of course Cathe comes up with a few more!!!! (hint hint). And I'd say I'm also doing about 25% cardio (after a month or so of a cardio blitz to detox my system - no other reason). Keep those heavy weights going!!! And good to hear from you!!!

Welcome Back!! You poor thing, a tonsillectomy? Let us know if and when you have the operation.
JANICE!!!!! Ouchie on the tonsilitis! They say that's one of those childhood illness you don't want to get as an adult. Take care & keep us posted.

Have fun with the trainer but whatever you do DON'T TELL him/her you work out at home!!!! They get so defensive.

Hey maybe doing the check-in on fvf you & I could discuss results of reduced cardio. You know my experimentation going on there!

Take care.
Hi Janice,

I would love to know what type of results you get with the heavy lifting once a week. What is that type of workout going to be like? Just a few reps of each exercise? How many sets? What will your other lifting days be like? How many cardio sessions a week?

Glad you are feeling better.
Welcome back, Miss Janice! I'm in total sympathy with the tonsil thing, but I understand you get to eat a lot of ice cream after a tonsillectomy so that won't be so bad. (CLEAN ice cream of course!)

I'm also envious that you have DH as a spotter for your gym work. The heaviest thing MY DH lifts these days is the DVD remote.

Have fun at the gym! And stay with US!

I-Max Forever
Hi Janice,
I can empathize with your tonsilitis. I had lots of that in my lifetime along with strep. Not only your throat is in pain every time you swallow, but you are so very tired. I'm hoping you get well and that the operation will help you not to get this anymore.
Are you taking anything to build up your immune system?

Also sorry about the computer crash. That is stressful enough without the extra burden you have by not being well.

I too would like to know how you do with your new weight lifting program.

Take care not to overdo. :D
Welcome back Janice!

I've missed you too! Do keep us updated your weak little tonsils! :) Hope there's no surgery in store for you!

I wish I had a spotter like you! Boy what I would do to get a grueling workout at the gym but no spotter! :(

Take care and do tell about your gym training! :)

Hey Janice, I forgot to mention, I had many stomach problems growing up and came to find out it was my tonsils draining into my stomach that was making me sick. I had them out when I was 21 and felt much better. I was on a hospital floor with about 10 others who had theirs out too and I remember being paranoid that they wouldn't let me drink after the surgery (who knows why, I can't remember) so the first thing I said when I came to was "I want some water". I drank almost constantly after the surgery and the most interesting note was that the doctor's said I healed much quicker than the other 10 patients on the floor and some of them were much younger because I drank so much water. The doctors said that the others didn't want to drink because it hurt their throat. Just thought you might find this helpful postop if you need to have them out. I hope you're feeling better soon!!!!

Thanks for missing me everyone!!!! I am SO glad to be back, but sad in a way too cuz it somehow seemed like I had so much more time when my computer was dead. GO FIGURE!! I am sure you can all relate to that!!:)

Briee..that is interesting. I will keep that in mind if I do decide to bite the bullet. They said a week off work, so that is pricey. Right now they got me on strong antibiotics. Hey, atleast the throat pain has gone away!!

I am thinking I will still lift to Cathe tapes, but one day or more per week I will have a super heavy day where I put all those big apparatus' at the gym to work. I am SO curious to see what my REAL strength level is, not my poundage of bench press on an aerobic step. Not to downplay that or anything, but it is a different beast all together on a real bench with a real spotter. The trainer is going to establish my poundages, and i am planning something like 3 sets of 12 and then add on from there. Really, the only Cathe strength tape that has given me real visible results seems to be S&H, but I know 8 reps is inferior for maximum muscle mass gains, so I will stick with 10-12.

My first session with the trainer is tommorrow night. My husband is using the majority of the free sessions we got with our membership because he lacks that "inner" motivation that comes so easily for me. Because of that, we decided he would get the sessions. (Boo-Hoo) So once I know my poundages it will be up for hubby to step in. Plus, I can't really spot for him so it all works out. I will let you all know how it goes!!!!


I'm so glad you're on the mend. I've been wondering what happened to you.:eek: Tonsillectomy, you poor thing! I hope you're feeling better.

I sent you an e-mail just today, regarding Creatine. Don't know if I reached you, if not let me know.

I hope a sore throat doesn't hinder any heavy lifting!:*


Hi Janice, you may be interested in the website below about hypertrophy specific training (HST) for non-video weight workouts that increase muscle.

It uses a system where instead of using the highest weight possible all of the time, you build up to it during every 2-week period. The theory is that muscle increases in size when it "sees" increasing load, rather than continually "seeing" maximum loads. In the 1st 2 weeks you build up to your 15 rep max, the 2nd 2 weeks, you build up to your 10 rep max, and the 3rd week, you build up to your 5 rep max, then you stick with the 5 rep max for another 2 weeks. You have to have a "deconditioning period" (1-2 weeks break from weights) BEFORE you start each cycle.

It's very interesting with a lot of science behind it. My boyfriend and I started the program 2 weeks ago.


Hi! Glad you're back as well-I don't post much, but I do read the posts. This is more of a computer question that I have for you. You said that your computer crashed, and your hard drive finally came it. Well, I believe that my computer is on the fritz as well as it has been making horrible moaning and groaning noises for quite some time. My mom, who lives only 1 hour away, also thinks that it is the hard drive, but will she come down and take a look at it? Of course not! She told my husband and I that we can order a new hard drive, as we are not ready to get a new computer (we have only had this one for 2 1/2 years. So, my questions are-did you notice any noise prior to it crashing? What happened when it crashed? And, where can I get a new hard drive and how would I intall it? Did it make a difference for you (computer running much faster than before the crash)? Any advice would be much appreciated! Thanks!
p.s. I don't want to have this thing crash and be away from this site either!

I am sorry..I didn't notice your post until now. Unfortunately, I am THE WORST person you could address your questions to!LOL! We got our computer through Gateway and when we had problems we called them and they walked us through basically finding out our hard drive was "bad" and they sent us a new one.

I will tell you however that it was VERY noisy..the hard drive, I mean. It would click and clamor every time we did anything. The new one barely makes any noise, so maybe yours is "going". I have no idea though where you can get a new one and how to install it. Hubby does all that here..I just go on the forums!!! Sorry I could not be of more help...


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