HI Donna !!!(GetnFit@38) Another question..


Hi Donna,

Just wondering at what stage you took up PS series, and S&H series ? Would it be better to wait, before adding these to my workout routine, when I have lost alot more weight and for the moment stick to MIS, and PH ?

Many thanks,
Sorry about all my questions !!

Anna :)

Many thanks
Hi Anna,

Sorry I JUST got on today, was in Maryland at my parent's home.

NO,NO,NO! Don't wait until you've "lost more weight" to add these workouts! Add them now! :)

The greatest words to EVER come out of Cathe's mouth were, "don't be afraid of heavy weight, they do good things for you!" They certainly do! PS Series and S&H Series will allow you to focus on slower training, and adding heavier weight (at least heavier than you'll probably do with PH). The best way to get the most out of both series is to REALLY push yourself to do the heaviest weight you can for each exercise. Write down the weights for each exercise that you started with, and every 2-3 weeks, see if you can push yourself up a notch. Some muscle groups are easier to progress with than others. For me, shoulders and biceps were/are my slowest to increase weight with, but challenging the muscles is what you're shooting for.

So whenever you're ready to add either series, go for it! You won't be sorry! :)


p.s. word of warning about S&H. It made me REALLY hungry the first time I did it. I couldn't manage to stay within my target calories on the days I did a S&H workout, and I noticed the biggest increase in protein intake during those weeks. Many others have commented on being more tired during a S&H rotation, I didn't have the tiredness, but the hunger thing was scary at first when I didn't expect it. So you may want to plan a "power snack" or 2 in your day just in case. I'm always prepared now when I do S&H. :)

Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
WOW ! :-wow ! Thanks Donna, I shall order them at some point next year :) To tell the truth I was afraid of them, but you have put my mind at ease.
Crikey, S & H must use up an awful lot of energy (!?!?) to make you really hungry, I will bear that in mind.

Anna :)
Yeah, but the best part of S&H is that you really can feel your muscles working. The momentum is taken out so you feel the contraction of the muscle, which for lunges as an example, helped me to focus on what I should be feeling, even when doing an endurance workout. Really being able to locate the muscle group and know what you're suppose to be feeling helps you work that muscle better.
It's a great workout, and a real change of pace from PH and MIS. You'll love it! :)


Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!

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