Hi Cathe!


...hope you're feeling great, I can hardly believe you're 7-1/2 now! I'm sure you look better preggers than most of us do at any time.
I wanted to tell you a quick Cathe moment, & then I have a serious question. Sometimes I like to put on my favourite music & do a step workout, basically making it up as I go along. (Actually I've noticed most of my moves seem VERY familiar! hmmm)
Anyway, without you there to keep me going I have a tendency to slack off too soon...however! the last time I did this when I was tempted to slow down & take it easier, I DISTINCTLY heard your voice in my left (!) ear saying loud & clear: "WORK HARD NOW!" And you know, I was able to keep pushing myself on. I swear it was like you were right in the room. Now, of course, I hear you saying it no matter what I'm working at. Thanks for keeping me honest!
My question is, if you have an injury which profoundly affects only one side of your body, and you are doing modified moves to "baby" that side, what about the other side? Should I do the moves on both sides the same, or should I continue to challenge my "good" side (& I use that term loosely!), as usual? I realize some moves/workouts would have to be modified completely, of course. I'm just trying to decide what would happen if I ended up with one side a lot stronger than the other?
Thanks for your thoughts, & take care. Like everyone, I can hardly wait for your next workouts!
Hi, Ruth, I hope you won't mind if I jump in here with a suggestion even though I am not the inimitable Cathe. I recently read something that might help you. I read that an effective way to train is to start out with you weaker side (in my case my left since I am right-handed), do as many reps as you can, then repeat that number on the other side. It's to help acheive balance since we favor our handedness. You could use your injured side first then match reps with your other! How are you? Haven't seen you post in awhile.:)

Chicks Rule! http://www.plauder-smilies.de/chicken.gif
Hi Bobbi,
That's very interesting, I will try it, unless Cathe says otherwise.
I'm doing pretty well, thanks for asking! And you? I've been intensely busy & have only had the chance to lurk about once a week or so, but it keeps me up on some of the news. Things are still busy but more in a normal manner so hope to log on far more often.
I ALWAYS read a post when it has Bobbi on it...I've gotten some really good advice from you many times! Thanks for sharing your hard-earned wisdom.
Ruth :)
p.s. Love your new icons!
I am great! Keeping busy with the kids and working out and hanging out in the forums. Ruth, it was 81 degrees in Tucson yesterday! I am planning a long run and a trip to the zoo! I hope your injury isn't too serious. I injured my left elbow eons ago and I always baby it when it comes to triceps, never getting passed a 5 lb weight or a 15 lb body bar for french press. Fortunately, I can do kickbacks and dips just fine (or is it unfortunately? hehe) Take care!

Chicks Rule! http://www.plauder-smilies.de/chicken.gif

That http://www.plaudersmilies.com is so great! That's where the chick is from.
Bobbi, thanks so much for the link! :) I was wondering where people get all these cute icons from :)

Just testing to see if this works


Thanks so much for the link.

Hi Bobbi, so glad to hear you're doing well. 81 degrees!! woah! We've had an unusually warm winter here in Maryland, although it's colder today. Not 81 (!), but believe it or not it went up into the 70's a few weeks ago. Everybody's spring bulbs started blooming, & even some of the trees started budding. Totally weird, but keeps the heating bills down. LOL

I've had a problem with my elbow for years, & also my shoulder. I can keep them under control with careful monitoring & lots of stretching for the shoulder. My real injury is my left ankle, which I apparently sprained severely because it has never completely healed & still hurts off & on after about 4 months. It's hell getting old.

Ok, I'm embarressed, BUT...I cannot figure out how to use the plaudersmilies site, have tried before, totally stumped. I feel like an idiot!

I'm using the method for my workouts which you recommended; so far so good.

Take care,
Ruth :)

p.s. Lemoncustard, had to mention, love your "name". Makes me hungry every time I see it! LOL
Hi Ruth! Thanks for sharing your cute story. I'm glad that I am making you accountable for your workouts :)!

As for training while injured, I would not recommend going easy on the injured side, since this only invites the injury to stay. You really need to rest and heel the injury entirely and then come back easy and gradually and work your way up to the strength of the other side(this is when I would suggest to go easy on the previously injured side). Also, depending on what the injury is, using one side of your body to full capacity while going easy on the other side can sometimes invite new compensation injuries. But this really depends on the specific injury. I would say to have your injury evaluated and see what needs to be done to correct it. In the meantime, stay on maintenance with your good side, avoiding "going for the gold" on the good side. Then when you are able to work both sides again, continue maintenance with the good side until the comeback side catches up over time. When you find that the comeback side is pretty much at the same level of strength as the good side, then train both sides equally hard again. Hope this helps! Take Care :)!
Hi, Ruth! Ankle injuries are so sad! But you must reduce the amount of stress on the ankle or it can't heal. You are probably familiar with RICE: Rest, Ice, Elevation and Compression. Reminds me of a story. A few years ago I was running in a wash (dry riverbed) because it was soft and sandy and increased the intensity of my workout. I twisted my ankle and fell, ripping my knee to shredds. As I wiped out a group of bycyclists whizzed by in lovely matching outfits, training for an upcoming bicycle race that we have in Tucson. Even though the last one saw me fall, I caught his eye, he and the rest kept right on going, leaving me bleeding and injured in the wash! Well, I never! No good Samaritans there. Anyway, ever since my left ankle loves to get sprained, twisted and generally be a pain.:) When it's better be sure to do things to strengthen the ankle, exercises which usually strengthen the calf as well. Be patient! You could maybe use kickboxing by doing the hi impact sections low and kicking like crazy!

At the plauders site, click on the icon you like then look across the bottom of the window and you'll see the link. You can write it down and type it in or highlight it and cut and paste it. The chick is "http://www.plauder-smilies.de/chicken.gif". Since I typed in the quotation marks, it won't make the image. Without them the chick will appear like so http://www.plauder-smilies.de/chicken.gif. It took me a while to figure it out and once I discover you could highlight the link and cut and paste, it became downright easy!

Chicks Rule! http://www.plauder-smilies.de/chicken.gif

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