I know that you don't like to give medical advice, but I was curious if you or anyone has any suggestions for me. I have done something to my elbow (actually right above the elbow front side) I am ASSUMING it is either tendonitis or bursitis. I am not sure how I got it as I have been lifting with your tapes for a year now and not sure how this crept up on me. It is a stinging-burning sensation when I try to lift something. My M-I-L says it sounds like arthritis(OH NO!!I HOPE NOT!!) I guess my question is should I ice it or use heat? I know I have to cut waaay back on lifting which really upsets me, but I want it to get better. I will go to the Dr. if it doesn't subside soon but was wondering if you know the treatment for this kind of a problem. Sorry sooo wordy! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH