Hi Cathe!


I know that you don't like to give medical advice, but I was curious if you or anyone has any suggestions for me. I have done something to my elbow (actually right above the elbow front side) I am ASSUMING it is either tendonitis or bursitis. I am not sure how I got it as I have been lifting with your tapes for a year now and not sure how this crept up on me. It is a stinging-burning sensation when I try to lift something. My M-I-L says it sounds like arthritis(OH NO!!I HOPE NOT!!) I guess my question is should I ice it or use heat? I know I have to cut waaay back on lifting which really upsets me, but I want it to get better. I will go to the Dr. if it doesn't subside soon but was wondering if you know the treatment for this kind of a problem. Sorry sooo wordy! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Hi Debbie,

I am not Cathe, but I am a sports therapist, I would advise you to use ICE if this injury has just happened. Ice takes away the blood from the area allowing infalmmation to settle, Heat would encourage a blood flow to the injury and would therefore encourage MORE swelling to take place.

I would do this for 48 hours and if there as been no improvement with rest and Ice I would suggest you see your Dr. The way I advise my clients to ice is to smother the injury in baby lotion ( this will prevent an ice burn) and then use a chunk of ice and apply liberaly around the injry untill your other hand can feel the cold. If your skin becomes red, you have iced for too long. Then give your elbow an nice gentle massage to help lymph drainiage being careful not to apply too much pressure, this will ecourage the blood flow to the cold part and help with any sweling. I would give this a maximum of 48 hours and then see your Dr for futher help, even if it feels better. Ice about 5-6 times per day.

Hope this helps

Hi Debbie -
What you are describing sounds all too familiar. About 6 weeks ago my husband felt the same kind of sensation in the same location on his arm, so he stopped lifting for 2 weeks. It started to feel better so he started again and the pain returned full force. Same type of thing, he said it hurt to lift a glass of water. He made an appt with the doctor and guess what, he has tennis elbow! There is a specific muscular "itis" word for it, but I don't remember it off hand. The doctor said that it was a repetitive use injury and was an inflammation or possible microscopic tear of the muscle. Long story short, Leo has to wear a wrist brace (carpal-tunnel thing) for 4 weeks. No lifting at all! The doctor will re-evaluate at that time. My husband is very frustrated to say the least. The doctor said it was a result of not warming up or stretching properly, which is totally untrue. We always do both, I am some what of a fanatic about warm-up and stretching. Apparently tennis elbow is a catch all term for this type of injury. The doctor said that a couch potato type can get it from over use of the remote - go figure. Any how, the doctor said it could be months before Leo can lift heavy again. Sorry to be so long winded, but I was really floored by the diagnosis. We are both die-hard exercisers but are extremely careful not to over-do. This aging thing is no fun! If this sounds like what you are experiencing, please see your doctor asap!

Hope this helps.
Debbie Russo
Hi Debbie, I just have sympathy :-(to give you, no advice. I had this same feeling in my left elbow about 2 years ago and since I am older I was concerned about ever healing and being able to lift again. Well, I gave up lifting for a while, but I have no pain there at all now and I never did see a doctor about it. I don't remember how long it took, but it did go away completely. You are receiving lots of good advice but I thought I'd just chime in here since I have a 'mature' body too (more 'mature' than yours and not nearly as fit) and even though I have other problems from time to time, that has gone away and not resurfaced.

You are always such an encourager, I thought I'd try to do the same for you. :)

Bummer. I'm sorry to hear about your elbow. I hope it feels better soon and your back to your spunky self again. I have experienced the same kind of pain there ( I'm assuming that you mean right above the elbow joint ) and it is kind of spooky, but it only happens if I don't give myself enough rest between workouts and try to lift too much too soon. Check it out with the doc and see what he says...people would miss if you were down too long. Deb D

Thanks sooo much Lynne, Debbie & Susan! I really appreciate the time you took to respond to me. I am very frustrated. I do get lil' twinges here & there, but they ALWAYS go away without seeing a Dr. I chalk that up to being in good physical condition. I have been having this sensation off & on for a few weeks and thought it would go away, but so far no good! :-( Make a long story short, I am going to take the rest of this week off from any upper body strength work and only work on cardio & leg work. I should have done this sooner! Hopefully, in a week or so, I can get back at it, but if not, I may see the Dr. THANKS sooo much for all your tips and advice. I truly appreciate it! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Thank you Too, Deb!

I was posting the same time as you. Boy, Cathe's sure has lots of "Deb-Fans"! Thanks for your kind words. Trust me, I am not going to quit my workouts. As a matter of fact, I just came stumbling up the steps after completing IMax!! I think it is the most endurance I have EVER had doing that tape. :-jumpy I am thankful at least I can do my cardio! Thank you again! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
RE: Thanks!!

Atta girl Debbie! I love your spirit. Hope that elbow thing works itself out. Take care. Deb

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