hi cathe.....a weightlifting question for you



Hey Cathe!!
Hope you and your family are doing well. Before I log off and hit my pillow I had a question I thought you could help me with.
Do bent over dumbbell rows hit the same muscles for the most part as a vertical row machine does? I am trying to condense my lifting workouts a little and if I can eliminate one of these or perhaps alternate these bi-weekly instead of doing both on the same day it might save some time.
Thanks Cathe......you continue to inspire me to workout hard. Even when I am not doing one of your videos I find myself thinking....."now how would Cathe do this particular exercise", or "dont forget to do a warmdown because Cathe does them". lol...kinda funny huh? :) You definitely have me working out smarter and more effective I think.
Have a super day........
Trevor :)
Hi Trevor! Ahhh, the joys of hitting the pillow ;-)!

For the most part, yes, these exercises target the same areas. That is if you are refering to the verticle row back machine. The reason that I mention this is because I have heard some people refer to a verticle row as an upright cable row motion. Obviously in this case it would not be considered the same exercise as a bent over row.

Assuming we are talking about the same exercise, then I think alternating them from week to week is an excellent idea:).
Thanks Cathe.
Yes I was referring to the vertical back row machine. Sorry I wasnt specific on that. :) I hope you are well!
Trevor :) :-jumpy

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