Hi Annette (Callco)


You mentioned in another thread that "too much exercise can backfire on us"

How interesting!

Id be very interested to know more on that please

Thanking you

Oh great, see my name is lights and then have to back up my own statement. sigh!! I have seen more and more exercise programs that emphasize doing less exercise for shorter periods of time is in actually more beneficial for losing weight than longer workouts. I can see where you might be burning more calories than you are taking in and then throwing your body into starvation mode without realizing it. When in all actuality you think that you are burning fat and losing weight, when you body feels like your are starving it with no food and over exercise. Kinda goes with the old adage you have to eat to lose. Plus with over exertion on the muscles without ample time to recover can place wear and tear on your body causing your body to revolt and hold onto everything you are trying to get rid of in an effort to repair itself. I am no expert, and I could be totally off base but every new exercise program that is coming out these days including machines seem to be emphasizing shorter workouts. Or doing 3 10 min. workouts spread out throughout the day. I know this goes against getting your target heart rate up for at least 20 min. to be of cardio benefit and I personally haven't tried cutting back on my workouts but I know the theory is out there.:)

Maybe I just stuck my foot in my mouth with the statement in the other post, and if I did and I am off base then please forgive me. Everytime I see one of these shows or articles I think about all of us doing Cathe and working out for hours on end and think: are we really all that unhealthy and unfit because we workout too long? I think not, but for people struggling with weight issues just trying something different can be the only thing it takes to get the scale moving in the right direction.

I hope I provided some backing for what I said and again if I didn't I apologize for my statement.

Thanks for the bump Wendy

and thanks for replying Annette.

Actually what yourve said, I have read about before, and the 3 x 10 minute workouts (or at least 3 x 20 min) workouts are being offered at some gyms already.

They are aimed more for the "time concious person" or the "very unfit" person, to get them back on track or ON track and it does seem to be attracting a following.

I can see your point of "over exercising" to the point where NOTHNG changes and all the good intentions go out the door, so your statement does hold water.............to me anyway.



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