Hi all, my elbow got the free and clear from the doctor


she cut me loose yesterday even though technically I am only 5 weeks into the break.Weights really helped with my recovery by the way. I was able to straighten it, rotate it and touch my shoulder so I have full range of motion back. I resumed weights 4 weeks into the healing process. I was able this morning to do Power Hour and I increased my weight on the broken elbow with bicep curls back to using 10 pound dumbells again. I still go to 8's after the first round on bicep work on that tape. I was very pleased with my progress and it didn't even hurt either.

I get my female problem taken care of on the 24th of this month and I can hardly wait. I am on my 2nd cycle this month and it really becomes draining after awhile. Thankfully it is only a same day procedure so I should only be down for a day. Since it is in the afternoon I hope to exercise before I go in for the procedure. We finally found somebody to take the boys for us so they wouldn't have to wait at the hospital all day,(we homeschool so it is not like they would be at school or anything).

Anyway haven't been posting much, still waiting to buy a barbell and to order new tapes. You will hear from me when I have done both and I will tell you what I decided to buy.

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