Hi all I broke my elbow attempting to roller skate........


so I wii be out of comission for 2 weeks:( I have a half cast/splint on and a sling. Life should become interesting.
Hi Annette,

Sorry about your accident!

I broke my tailbone and wrist while roller skating 2 years ago - a guy skating too fast crashed into me and knocked me down. It took 6 weeks to heal - I was bummed about it, but the time went quickly.

Take care!!

oh no!! sorry to hear it.

I can sure see it happening though, we go skating sometimes and I've fallen and gotten really sore a couple times, big old bruise on my butt once!! Fortunately no broken bones, but those floors are so hard.

I know skating is really more for kids a most rinks, but gosh, lately if we go, kids dart out in front of you, don't pay any attention to where they are going and I'm always afraid of falling on one! I think they don't realize adults can fall too!

Hope it heals fast :)
Sorry to hear about your elbow. Keep us posted on your recovery! Hopefully you will be up and moving agin soon. PS can you at least go for walks?
Hi Annette,
I'm sad to hear about your accident. Ah, the set backs we have in life. Grrr. I hope your elbow will heal back up very soon. Are you in much pain? Will you have to take PT when the cast comes off? Was it your right or left elbow?

Do you have help in the kitchen? Seems like most Moms' still have to cook, especially when hungary boys are around. :D I was just thinking how difficult it would be to do much cooking with a cast. If anyone would know how to manueaver around in the kitchen with a cast, I'm sure someone on this board would be able to give some helpful suggesstions.:D

Here's to your speeding recovery.
RE: Hi all I broke my elbow attempting to roller skate....

Hi Wanda,

Of course it was my right elbow and I am right handed. Some pain when I move it wrong not so bad now that the cast keeps it in one position. Since I have broken the same elbow before I know what is expected of me to regain full extension and usage so I am hoping to not have to do PT. My hubby will probably have to cook when he gets home from work. My boys aren't quite old enough to take over cooking yet. Lunch should prove interesting also since I homeschool and the boys are home all day. I think I will take this week off from exercising and then maybe I will resume with some step without the arms next week. Weights will have to wait a bit longer. I get to spend my 39th birthday in a cast, joy o joy!!! Actually yesterday I also had an endometrial biopsy done which made for a really fun day!!NOT!!! I am having female problems on top of the broken elbow. Ok it gets tiring typing with one hand and it is slow too.

Thanks for asking!!
Hi Annette!

Just wanted to add my sympathy! Injuries are the pitts, aren't they? At least you can still do AB work, floor work standing/lying down for inner, outer, glute, hams and quad work! :D (You can do all without weights!) Keep us posted on how you are doing. I hope all your female problems work out fine too. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :D
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi all I broke my elbow attempting to roller skate....

Hey you - I broke my left elbow ICE SKATING about five weeks ago. Luckily, the fracture was small enough that I didn't have to wear a cast or splint. The pain was awful, but I kept up with the exercises my orthopedist gave me. At my mid-way check up, my range of motion was ALMOST back to normal, which impressed the doc. When I first hurt it, I rode the stationary bike for about a week. Then I started doing step with minimal arm movements. I can now do it with arm movements and no pain. This Friday, I get my final xray/check up and I HOPE the go ahead to start lifting weights again.
You can email me for support/encouragement during your recovery time. A fracture takes six weeks to heal, even a little crack like mine. :) suzanne

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