RE: Hi all I broke my elbow attempting to roller skate....
Hi Wanda,
Of course it was my right elbow and I am right handed. Some pain when I move it wrong not so bad now that the cast keeps it in one position. Since I have broken the same elbow before I know what is expected of me to regain full extension and usage so I am hoping to not have to do PT. My hubby will probably have to cook when he gets home from work. My boys aren't quite old enough to take over cooking yet. Lunch should prove interesting also since I homeschool and the boys are home all day. I think I will take this week off from exercising and then maybe I will resume with some step without the arms next week. Weights will have to wait a bit longer. I get to spend my 39th birthday in a cast, joy o joy!!! Actually yesterday I also had an endometrial biopsy done which made for a really fun day!!NOT!!! I am having female problems on top of the broken elbow. Ok it gets tiring typing with one hand and it is slow too.
Thanks for asking!!