Hey Trevor!!

RE: Hey fellow Marylanders!!

Thanks for the big welcome! It is so great to "find" you all...

I forgot to mention that I have a golden retriever/border collie mix named Baron. He is the love of my life! I adopted him from the Annapolis SPCA in 1993. It is going to be interesting around my house when the baby arrives in August--Baron definitely thinks we belong to only him! However, he is a sweet dog and loves people and wants to please, please, please--so I think he will adjust to the baby after being jealous for awhile! If anyone has any pointers about introducing the baby to the dog, I would greatly appreciate it!

I am finding in my pregnancy that I have some days when I can do an all out workout and other days when i can barely get through one--on Thursday, I did Cardiokicks (lots of modifications!) and felt great. On Sunday, I went out for a power walk and I could barely walk a 4.0 pace. In fact, I have to walk up a hill to get home and as I was approaching the hill, I thought, "Wouldn't it be great if my husband drove by and I could get a ride home the rest of the way?" And he did appear! I was so happy! (actually, I knew I might run him as I knew what time he would be returning from his sailing...)
RE: Hey fellow Marylanders!!


Hope you're feeling well. I haven't been pregnant in a loooong time, but I certainly remember having those strong days/weak days. I think every woman has them.

Baron sounds adorable! I don't think you'll have any trouble re the baby. It is always advisable to NEVER leave them alone together until the child is older, but that is usually just a wise precaution. Anyway, when you introduce them, do it gradually & praise Baron for normal curiosity. Make sure you both continue to spend quality time alone with him also. He is a very intelligent breed from his mixture, & I'm sure he will adapt quite readily. Most dogs consider the baby to be their property sooner or later, & protect them assiduosly. The only down side being you have to keep an eye on him when other people - especially other children - are present until you know how he will react. Sometimes dogs percieve a threat to "their" child when there isn't one. But most of them seem to know what's what & act accordingly.

Let us know how you're doing - as I recall, you're about halfway there? Take care, Ruth
RE: Hey fellow Marylanders!!

Thank you for the birthday wishes, Ruth. I had a great birthday, and got to celebrate it with family and friends. My husband threw me a surprise party, and I was very surprised! Can't believe you have a 28 year old. More power to you! My children range in age from 15-1/2 to 6. (I started late). The oldest and the youngest are in Little League.
KJT, I agree with Starlight that the dog will be fine with the baby. Our dogs came after the kids, but cats were always here, and there was never a problem. They are just an added part of the family. You definitely have a good breed mix for children.
Happy exercising, fellow Marylanders. How about them O's?
RE: Hey fellow Marylanders!!

Hi Ladies!!
Sorry I haven't been on to say hi recently. We are busy at work preparing for another Montreal trip.
KJT...congrats on your pregnancy. We have a 4 month old baby boy and a 2 year old lab. They get along great. We introduced them gradually and all has been well between them so far. The worst thing the dog does is try to lick his face sometimes. He's really been great.
Happy Birthday Fullhouse! I hope it was a great day!!
Did anyone catch any of the O's-Yanks games? God what a bummer!! Four straight losses! Eddie Murray was also my all-time favorite Oriole.
The only pool I know of in Arnold is in Bay Hills, near where we live. We have never joined it but you might like to check it out.
I am signing up for an online class thru Anne Arundel C.C. Anyone ever done these types of classes before. I have a degree in Biology from UMBC but am taking any computer classes I can squeeze in and thinking of getting A+ certified.
I lifted weights with a sore back today and now am paying the price....VERY sore!! Man am I stubborn or what? :)
Well, gotta run for now....time to feed the baby some cereal. Stay in touch ladies!!
Trevor :) :-jumpy
RE: Hey fellow Marylanders!!


I almost didn't see your question to me. My mother grew up in Passaic, my father in Bloomfield. Now all of my Jersey relatives live in Wayne. We go up there several times a year to visit. I was born in Baltimore, but still have the Jersey influence - appreciate (almost) all things Jersey. Of course, I go up there and they call me a southerner. Go figure.
RE: Hey fellow Marylanders!!

Starlight6 and others--Thanks for the advice re introducing dog to new baby! I am fairly confident that he will do just fine with with the new baby once he adjusts....

Trevor, I live very near Bay Hills, too. In fact, the residents of the community I live in pay an annual fee to Bay Hills Community something or other. I've always wondered about that pool, guess I will check it out

Congrads on your 4 month old! What fun you must be having! I will need to get childcare when I go back to work (baby is due in Aug, will go back to work in November)-- If you are using childcare or will be using it, I was wondering if you have any recommendations for providers in our area??? Thanks,appeciate it!

RE: Hey LoriS!!

Omygosh!!! I went to college in Bloomfield, and my Mom's family used to live in Newark. I'm afraid to ask what street your dad lived on. How long ago did he live there? I haven't been back there in over 20 years. This world is too small!
:-wow :-wow :-wow

Hey you guys, I live in Arlington, VA--in other words, the DC Metro area, so I consider you all my neighbors. My husband did his Master's thesis on Baltimore. He's a U of Maryland grad, and we just got season tickets for this year's Terps games (football). He LOVES Baltimore, and we go up every there every once in awhile. It reminds me of my hometown, Pittsburgh. People are REAL, friendly, and down-to-earth. I have to say, Trevor, that I can't believe you aren't a Ravens fan! Are you still pining for the Colts? I, of course, long for the Steelers' old glory days with Bradshaw, Franco Harris, Lynn Swann, etc. haha. Anyway, I was happy to see that all of you Cathe fans live fairly near me. Have a good one! Suzanne
RE: Ravens!

Hi Suzanne!
Glad to meet another neighbor.
I bleed the black and gold of the Steelers....since about 1975 when I was nine. I admired the Colts of the seventies. They were pretty good but I never really got into them. The Ravens had a great year last year but I still think the Steel Curtain is the greatest defense of all time...they were incredible for many years. :)
Have a good one!
RE: Ravens!

I grew up in a small rural community in PA and my brother absolutely, positively loved the Steelers! He got me very hooked on them, too. I used to have a poster of Mean Joe Greene hanging in my bedroom as a kid. I have to agree with Trevor, nothing can compare to the Steel Curtain....do you have a "terrible towel"? I have one somewhere....I got to meet Franco Harris while I was in college and got his autograph for my brother who to this day thinks I am a goddess for doing that! I still keep my eye on the Steelers...my husband is a huge Redskins fan....

Hi fullhouse

I'd have to check into that and let you know. He is old - he he-My parents left Jersey in 1970. As far as I know the house he grew up in is still standing. I know the college you are speaking of. My only real link to Jersey any more is my grandmother. I plan on going up this summer for a visit. Now you made me very nostalgic for my grandmothers house :)
Hi fullhouse

I'd have to check into that and let you know. He is old - he he-My parents left Jersey in 1970. As far as I know the house he grew up in is still standing. I know the college you are speaking of. My only real link to Jersey any more is my grandmother. I plan on going up this summer for a visit. Now you made me very nostalgic for my grandmothers house :)
Go Steelers!

Baltimore folks who are Steelers fans! You guys are the greatest. The Steel Curtain was the BEST. Wow, you got Franco's autograph. I never had a terrible towel, but I collected the Steeler glasses from Hardee's (buy a large coke & get a free glass). I used to have a major crush on Lynn Swann. My husband grew up in Central Penna and LOVED the Colts. He now likes the Ravens and the Redskins. I cannot STAND the 'skins--here in DC, it's Redskin mania year round. I don't know why the heck you Marylanders ever agreed to let them build their new stadium out there (thank God it isn't in Virginia!). Even their theme song is stupid. Suzanne
RE: Go Steelers!

The Skins are quite annoying! I never liked them because of Joe Theismann but their new arrogant owner really takes the cake! lol!
Of course I have a terrible towel!!.....a Myron Cope original and it hangs from the front of my shorts during almost every workout. Very good for wiping away the sweat as well as ticking off all Ravens and Skins fans who use the fitness center where I work!
Trevor :)
where in central PA, Suzanne?

I grew up in State College (yes, it is a town, for all you non Pennsylvanians ! ;-) ) Just curious...
RE: where in central PA, Suzanne?

The Redskins drive me crazy, too! I have been living in the Washington, DC area for about 17 years and I vowed that when I moved here I was not going to become a Redskin fan because that is what everyone does--they move here, give up their former teams, and become Redskins fans!!!

My husband wants to dress our baby boy (when he is born) in Redskins t-shirts and I have been resisting it big time. Luckily, I do most of the shopping so unless he goes out of his way to find an infant Redskin t-shirt, it isn't going to happen...

bag the skins

Kellie--Where in DC are you? Do NOT let your husband dress your child in redskins outfits--tshirts, whatever! Even the new coach is a big jerk. You're right about Dan Snyder, but then again, Jack Kent Cooke wasn't much better. And that last wife of his? I think they deported her finally.

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