Hey Everyone!

RE: Poor Eco and Murph!

I'd get scared and gallop if I saw a dead racoon too! Glad to have you back among us, Miss Murph! Good luck on the MRI! Let us know the RE-sults!


Hi, Murph,
So sorry to hear about your accident and that I'm so late posting my apologies. We just got home from a short vacation and I'm just now checking in.
I've watched my husband recoup from a terrible rock climbing fall over the past year. He's a fitness freak and it was a real lesson in something (how he defines himself?) for him...I just know that it's hard not to be able to do all the physical activities you'd like to do. My heart goes out to you. I'll pray for you and think of you often.
Oh, is your horse OK? I'm assuming "yes."
Take care and speedy recovery,

Hey Murph, I've never chatted with you but was compelled to wish you a full and speedy recovery! There is good in every situation, and we have to keep smiling and looking for the good! :)
a new fitness friend!

Soo glad to hear everyone could give you a lil' boost! :7 This IS a great place, isn't it? Also, VERY glad to hear that you were wearing your helmet! Hope the MRI comes back with some better results then you think. Keep us all posted. We miss "seeing" you around here.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
and the horse?

So sorry to read about your injuries and so glad that you wear a helmet. Here's hoping that you heal quickly.

And how is your beloved Echo?

RE: and the horse?

Hi Murph,
I am SO sorry about your accident. Sometimes it just doesn't seem fair, does it?
I know how strong (& healthy) you are, so am hopeful you will enjoy a reasonably quick recovery.
PLEASE let us know if you need anything. Many, many hugs coming at you.
Is your horse okay?
Let us know how you are when you feel up to it.
Best wishes,
Ruth (hugs from my hubby too, he was quite sorry to hear.)
:-( :-( :-(

p.s. big sloppy kisses from my Diana, more or less a small horse herself. :-rollen
My Eco...

is Okay! He is doing well--was Not Hurt...SO THANKFULLY. YOU GUYS ARE THE ABSOLUTE BEST. I heard about an old Appalachian remedy for bruises and sprains today that I will try tonight. If It works, I will post it. I was able to do Slow & Heavy Biceps/Triceps today. I can now relate to anyone with an injury-where before, I was quite impatient with people "who had problems." I am learning alot from all of this--and mostly learning how wonderful you all are--and how good it is to have people connections.... :D
I plan to go to the barn on Saturday, even if I can only pet him and groom him and love on him. I Need to see him.

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