Hey Everyone!


Was wondering, and I hope I'm not out of line here, if you'd all like to join me in a thread to "CHEER UP MURPH"! She was riding her horse yesterday and it got spooked and went into a dead gallop and then slipped and threw her. She hurt her face, arm, hip and mostly her knee!! As you all know she JUST finished recouping from her foot surgery and was on her way to getting back to normal with all her workouts. She will be seeing an orthopedic tomorrow so he can evaluate her injuries. My heart goes out to her and I know she is very discouraged so thought maybe we could all send some HAPPY wishes or a note of encouragement her way. Thanks guys~I know I can count on this great group of people!!! GET WELL soon, Murph. Sending a big cyber hug your way. {{{MURPH}}}

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Oh Murph!

Please feel the warmth of this BIG HUG I am sending to you!!!!
I have been missing your great and knowledable imput!
Your an incredible lady with wisdom and much grace!

You are & will be in my thoughts and prayers!!!

PLEASE post and let us know how you are doing.

I admire you for your posts and your commitment to horses.

It takes ALOT of effort, skill and dedication to train them.

I am so sorry you are hurting!!!

Your an important part of this site!!!

Sending A Healing Hug!
RE: Oh Murph!

Murph...so sorry to hear about your accident! I pray you'll heal very quickly! I'm fairly new here, so you probably don't know me, but I just wanted to wish you well. :)

My heartfelt thoughts are going out to you, Murph. Thanks for telling us, Debbie H!

I really want to send my good vibes your way. Good luck to you, Murph! :)

Ditto!! I am soooo sorry to hear about your accident! :(
I'm sending you some positive vibes and of course I'll include you in my daily prayers.
Please take it easy and don't rush recovery too much (although I know we always want to), but give your body whatever it needs and I'm sure you'll be back to top form in no time~one of the benefits of being fit and healthy! :)
Please let us know how you are doing with your recovery.

thinking and praying for you,
Hi Murph! So sorry to hear of your fall. Wishing you a healthy, strong, and speedy recovery. Mega cyber hugs to you and let us know how you are doing when you can. Please take care! Cathe
Get well soon, Ms Murph! It must be tough - we all sympathize with you missing your workouts.

How's the horse?
Hi Murph! Sorry to hear about your accident! Hope things go well at the doctor and that you have a very speedy recovery!
RE: MURPH!!!!!

Cyber-Get-Well-Wishes from The Aquajock!

A participant of mine, who has also become a friend, went toe-to-toe with a car back in 1999 and wound up with a massive hematoma (or as she called it, a hema-tomato) on the back of her left thigh; because she had been so diligent about getting back into shape the two years previous to that, she was back in the pool a week after being bopped, started participating in my class with no float belt a week after that, and biked 36 miles six weeks after the accident. Last year, she went toe-to-toe with a chuck-hole on one of her favorite biking paths and seriously broke her arm; despite some potentially serious and/or permanent nerve damage she's like new once again - because like you, she pays attention to her health, strength and fitness.

We're all thinking of you here! If your ortho person suggests aquatic recovery stuff, lemme know if you need any direction regarding equipment or what not.

RE: MURPH!!!!!

Dear, dear Murph! I am so sorry to hear about your injury! Please hang in there! I pray the news from your doctor will be something you can live with! we are rooting for you! You are a strong, smart lady and I hope you recover quickly and well!

Bobbi http://www.plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chick's Rule!
Yooooo Murph!

Alright..since you'll be off your feet for a bit (like a good girl would) you have time to read...did you know Bo Derek's got a book out with a title that kinda goes like "I learned everything I know from horses"????!? If you could read this for me and get back to me I'd appreciate it mucho! :) I hope this gives you giggles. J.
Hey Murph - I really feel for you! My mother broke her arm about 3 weeks ago (her horse bucked her off and she fell into the boards).

Wishing you a very speedy recovery!
Hi Murph,
I'm terribly sorry to hear about your injuries. I hope you recover quickly. We always enjoy your posts. GET WELL SOON!

RE: Oh Murph!

So sorry to hear about your accident. Here's a big cyber hug from Minnesota!!

DebH: You are My Friend and that's For Sure.
You ALL have cheered me up sooooo much!!
I was surprised to see this thread.
Yes, I fell off of Eco at a pure gallop right onto the concrete--he had seen a dead raccoon and had gotten scared. Fortunately, I had my helmet on or would not be talking to you tonight!!
I had an MRI today. I may have a torn ligament--still the knee is very swollen. I have abandoned cardio for the moment. As Deb said: I've spent the entire 2002 in a cast of some sort--and I was freaking out until I saw this thread. I AM VERY LUCKY TO HAVE SUCH FRIENDS. You have cheered me up and calmed me down soooo much. I thank you all and feel alot of connectedness in our Community right now. Love, Murph
So Good To Hear From You!!!!

HI Murph!!!!

Thank you for posting!!!! It is SOOOOO good to hear from you..

Kiss, Kiss, Hug, Hug!!!!

PLEASE keep us up on how you are doing!!!!

Your In My Prayers!!!

RE: So Good To Hear From You!!!!

Here's wishing you a speedy recovery! And good spirits to boot!


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