Hey Everyone!

I can do that day...

....but if this day doesn't work, I seen to be the only one who has a slight problem with the 15th,and I think I can get around it. So, I vote for July 29 or July 15.
This thread is so long!

The 29th would be better for me, but I certainly wouldn't want you to change any plans for me because if anything comes up and I can't make it I would feel really bad. We have so many family/friend obligations in the summer!

Let' shoot for the 29th. so no one misses out! That is my 28th. anniversary that day!! This is going to be sooo much fun. Anyone else out there that can join us at Summit Mall???? Oh my, we have over a month to wait. This is ALMOST as bad as waiting for the new Cathe's!
Keep in touch everyone and feel free to E-mail me anytime.


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