Hey Everyone... it's time to CELEBRATE....


...LIFE!!!!!!! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/partytime.gif Please don't make this thread all abut ME! I know my mouth jabbers MORE then anyone's here but if it were not for all you super friends, I would not have 2,000 posts! I find it hard to believe I have yapped this much, sooo I rationalize it by dividing the amount of days that are in 3 1/2 years and it comes out to ONLY 1 1/2 posts/day! :7 I just want to thank you for always being there for me and all your caring and sharing when I needed it. I truly feel I have been sooo blessesd by you all and I have had the greatest honor of actually meeting 5 of you in person. (Hi HB, EricaH, Murph, Aimee & Lisa!!! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/happy/xyxwave.gif) I can hardly wait til a roadtrip is planned and I get the pleasure of meeting many more. Finding this place has been such a gift. I have always been fitness-conscious but I cannot begin to tell you how much I have learned here. There is sooo much I have learned not only from Cathe but you all. Thanks for being the the wonderful, caring group that you are and I look forward to posting the NEXT 2,000 posts! God bless! Again, let's celebrate life and how very fortunate we are to walk, jump, plyo, jack, pony, mambo and even TYPE! Happy weekend to you all! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/party/party.gif
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Okay you slippery little sneak....you must have slipped this in right before I posted the other thread :D :D :D . That's okay...now you have an excuse to post 2001!!

Seriously....I just want to say that DebbieH has had the BIGGEST gift of encouragement ever to come from the Cathe site in my opinion (which is right this time!!) and I want to thank her for her 2000 encouraging posts and look forward to 2000 more (we'll be celebrating again next month sometime :p :p :p ). Her kind words and VERY sweet heart shine through each and every post!!! Thanks DEBBIEH for letting us have some fun with this!!

:p Congratulations Deb! I wouldn't be embarrassed with all the posts. Actually, you have helped sooo many people maintain their goals with all your words of encouragement. I haven't been on this site very long and now I check the site every day, multiple times. This site is really a big motivator for me to continue with my goals and to talk to wonderful people like yourself Deb! I can't wait until I get to meet some of the wonderful forum members. Please keep me included with any plans of a get together!:)
Hi Again Debbie,
I look forward to meeting you one day. As was already mentioned, you have a big heart, always ready to share your knowledge with others. You give so much, not only with your energy but you honestly do care about people. It shows in your posts and it shows in your voice as I was most fortunate to get to talk with you.

You are greatly missed on the days you don't come on board.
Hey Debbie, don't you dare feel embarrassed at the number of posts! I always thought of you as the official "welcome to Cathe forum" spokesperson because you always had/have a warm greeting for newcomers. The number of posts only goes to show how open and helpful you are to so many! That's something to be proud of! :)

Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
Hi! I am just in the beginning of the road. But in the last week I had the most wonderful time reading all the post. You are all great. I agree lets celebrate, thank all you for being who you are- the most amazing and fantastic people in the WORLD! }(
Congratulations, and more to the point, thank you for the wonderful positive energy your posts always bring. Your generous sharing of your knowledge is always welcome! Please don't be embarrassed!

Congratulations! Keep up the posting, I always look forward to your insight, energetic posts , family updates, funny incidents and whatever else you have to say, it's all important to us, Love you!!;-)
Wow, two threads in my honor! Thank you all. You have convinced me not to be embarrassed about this whole thing. I guess my thinking is that it would not have happened if not for YOU all. (Not that you all made me yap as much as I have! ;-)) Words cannot express my thoughts & feelings toward you all and also my happiness of finding such a great place to come. Thanks for being there for ME when I have needed it and I look forward to the next zillion posts!! :p
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Debbie!
Congratulations!!! I am taking your advice to heart...as always...and celebrating life today. I really NEED to do that.

However, I am mostly celebrating you. You are the kindest, sweetest, most thoughtful person I have ever met, online or off. I ALWAYS love reading your posts, & never fail to learn from them...or be amused from them...forgot to mention you have a FANTASTIC sense of humor!

I too have looked forward so much to the day I can meet you in person. You may not realize it, but you made a huge difference in my life & I thank you sincerely. Even though I have had a very rough winter & have mostly only been lurking, you have continued to be a bright spot in my life & I think of you often.

Okay Grandma...hope I haven't embarressed you but I mean every word & more. Kiss your lovely little Kennedy for me...would love to see a new pic!

Take care, & keep posting!
Ruth :D
Debbie, Although I have not had the pleasure of meeting you as some of the others have - you are so great!! Your insights that you share with such encouragement and a warm heart & sense of humor, really add so much to this forum.
Keep on sharing with us -- we love it!!
Blessings to you and Congrats on 2000 !!!!

Linda:) :)
RE: Ruth & Linda!

Congratulations Debbie and thank you!!

I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you yet, but like so many others you have given me support and encouragement on this forum, and for this I am truly blessed. It's not everyday you sit in front of a computer and spill your guts to complete stranges and then to have these strangers who are now my god given friends and have them give you sound advice, or share a moment, or maybe some tears and feel that you have become part of a loving and caring family. This is how you make me feel, as I am sure you do others.

I look forward to sharing your next 2000 posts - keep it up!!

Love you DebbieH.

Take care,

Thank you Iris!

I share your same thoughts. We are warned to be leery of the Internet but I sure don't get that feeling here. It DOES feel like we are all one big family. It is nice to know we all have something very special in common. Thank you for your sweet note!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Debbie,

Congratulation;) ;) You deserved it for you have help a many. Thank you for being there for me.

Meverllyn:7 Remember, The race is not to the swift, but to the one who endureth to the end.

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