

Hi Deb,

Saw your question on another post and thought I'd answer here so it didn't get lost in the shuffle. :)

My Mom's hip replacement went very well. All her years of walking really paid off during her recovery. Her doc is positive that the years of staying active and by just taking every opportunity to walk rather than ride or sit has really helped speed her recovery time. She went in hospital on Fri. 11/8 had her surgery and went through re-hab, and was home 7 days later on the 15th!
She's doing fine, she initially had a walker, she's dumped that and is using a cane, but will be dumping that soon as well.
We're taking her to a follow up appointment today as a matter of fact. :)

Thanks for asking :)


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Wow, Donna! That is great! Happy to hear that she led a very active life early on. I, too, believe it makes such a difference in recovery. Thanks for posting back. Be careful driving out there. I am assuming you are putting up with the same road conditions as us Ohioans. Have a nice day with your Mom.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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