in a post earlier this week I asked you about the PS Series. And although I will follow your advice and get them when I can afford them (or as a gift from my DH), I was wondering if what I'm doing will be enough (to schock and strengthen my muscles) for now. I taped C.S.T off of the Discovery Health Channel on Wed. and I've programmed my VCR for IMAX, Step Works, Legs& abs, and B.B.A for this month. I know it's not the whole workout I'm getting, but I thought I could preview the tapes(I don't have any of these) and maybe schock my system at the same time. So, is it enough to give me any benifit, other than try before I buy, for my muscles I mean. Or is it not enough to even bother with? Thanks once again Cathe, I apperciate it