Hey Angela, Amadeus, and other ECTOS..

RE: Hey Robin!

Hi Everyone!

I came over today looking for info on rotations and decided to hang out for a while! Glad I did because just yesterday I began a new round of heavy lifting/split training. I was fairly tired this morning and missed my cardio workout but that seems to be a no-no this time around with this group! Did I luck out or what? :7 I think I'm going to try easing back on the cardio, doing it once or twice per week instead of 3-4 times. I will also make a greater effort to focus on increasing my weights/ building strength.

When I do cardio during the week it will be 20 minutes sessions on the bike, so nothing too strenuous. What I'm really trying to do is follow the BFL method until I feel the need to switch back to videos.

My workout went very well last night! I'm quite sore today and lovign every minute of it! Let's hope I can do the same type of intense training on my upper body tomorrow! :D

I am very excited about joining this group! Thanks for getting us going again Briee (big congratulations on the birth of your little one!:7 )!

Take care!

p.s. I will definitely check out that site!
RE: Hey Robin!

Hey Robin...how've ya been??? Glad to see you checkin in, it's been a while and I've missed ya.

Angie...you're back too - this is gonna be a fun checkin!! If you are doing BFL then your 20 minute bike session might not be as "nothing strenuous" as you think. Have you tried intervals???? I can get an awesome cardio workout from those 20 minutes, but at present...I'm doing only 1-2 sessions of cardio per week and if I have to miss a workout...it's gonna be cardio. I'm going to build this upperbody if it kills me. I did KPC last Sunday and I threw everything I had into it....my arms were soooo sore the next few days, I was surprised because I usually don't get sore from this type of workout....felt great.

Angela, I am dying to look at your pictures, but I don't see anything but a box and I can't bring it up. We have a dinosaur computer so maybe this is the reason. Can you email them to me? Also....have you read the book "nourishing traditions" by Sally Fallon. If not...please get it at the library or pick it up somewhere. I'm not sure if you were the one who told me to read the Swartzbein Principle, but it just confirms the grain problem as does SP, but makes grains digestible by fermenting them so the phytates don't cause a problem. Let me know what you think if you get it.

RE: Hey Robin!

Hi, Angie!!! You're doing BFL again? Can't wait to hear whut it duz fer ya!

Hi, Debbie H. I actually haven't gone anywhere. Just posting less...unlike *some* folks. hee hee :p You know I couldn't post without using way too many smilies. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/grinser/grinning-smiley-021.gif[/img]

I forgot that I'm doing S&H every 4 weeks for this year...at least that's the plan. Just so happens, this week is a S&H week. So today I did S&H Back, Power Circuit, Callanetics Hips/Behind and an ab workout. I upped the wts on the back workout and I'm getting so sore. I hardly ever get sore in my lats.:) The rest of the week will be S&H and then PS/CTX start next week.

My diet sucked today, BTW. Just wanted to share.:+
Ecto gets serious!

Hi, everyone! I started getting heavy in November and I have been doing PS, S&H and the Pyramids and increasing my weight as I go. My diet is clean and I am seeing great results. I went to 60 pounds on barbell with the squats and lunges for SH Legs last time I did it and I was really happy. I've gone from toneless and gushy to firm and defined. I have muscles even though they refuse to get big!

It's hard to believe I came back with yoga and walking after injury and a rather severe depression which came on when I could no longer run. Heck, I couldn't walk without limping badly and spent months doing physical therapy, cortisone, new orthotics, physical therpy, cortisone and, finally, surgery. By the time my Plantar Fasciitis symptoms had gone, I had quit working out altogether! Then I got so depressed I could barely function. With the help of my awesome doctor and anit-depressants I got started again in late October and by late November I was going heavy and determined to get lean and strong. I decided to try heavy strength and short, moderate cardio to get some muscle on these bones. That's Phase I.

Phase II is endurance strength work and kicked up cardio to burn my ab flab. I've had a lot of trouble with sleeplessness as you can see, looking at my workouts for the last month. But I'm hanging in there. My weight is at the low end of my healthy range so I don't want to lose weight but I do want to minimize my stomach which remains fat, darn it! Hopefully the intense cardio of Phase II will take care of that but overall, I am happy with my results.

This is what I've been up to since early January.

1/8 SJP All Step premix Slow /Heavy Legs

1/9 BootCamp All Cardio and S/H Shoulders

1/10 Timesaver 3 Cardio/S&H Biceps&Triceps

1/11 TS 4 Cardio with Slow Heavy Chest,Back,Planks

1/13 Step Blast

1/14 Insomnia Rest Day

1/15 BB L&G with KPC

1/17 Power Series CST and BBA with Step Works

1/18 Flow Yoga Earth

1/19 Cleaning Marathon!

1/20 PLB and SB

1/21 PUB & KPC

1/22 Insomnia Skip Day

1/23 PLB and Imax

1/24 Insomnia Skip Day

1/25 Insomnia Skip Day

1/26 PUB & Step/Intervals

1/27 Insomnia Skip Day

1/28 Yoga at Yoga Oasis

1/29 Insomnia Skip Day

1/30 SH L/S & Imax2

1/31 Cleaning Day

2/1 SH C/B/P/B/T/A and RS

2/2 LL & MIC

I am doing CTX UBS tomorrow with KPC. Wednesday is yoga at Yoga Oasis. I took my first live yoga class last week and loved it! I am also doing PP, one set at maximum weight on Thursday. I am still doing heavy training tharough February but I am going to ease into the endurance workouts at the end of the month and go into Phase II outright in March.

In the last three weeks of February I am going to condense the heavy workouts into fewer days--I have been doing each body part once per week quite a bit, sometimes only one body part per day but as I get ready to lighten up, I am going to do the PS and SH in fewer days at maximum weight and add bonus work like PP or SS to the end of each week. I always alternate the series as opposed to doing any one for consecutive weeks. I just prefer to do it that way. I am doing yoga every third workout since this heavy work has been hard on flexibilty!

I know it will be fun, pulling out Boot Camp, Cardio and Weights, Power Hour and all the other high rep workouts and doing lots of intense cardio but I just love heavy srength training and I know I'll get back to it after four to six weeks of the more moderate strength work jut to tweak my muscles and keep them from forgetting all this hard work!

Hope you don't mind this ramble! I am looking forward to checking in with all the other ecto goddesses here!

Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chick's Rule!
RE: Ecto gets serious!

Hey, Bobbi, ramble on!!! I remember when you were feeling bad and, I have to say, that I'm really happy that you're doing so well!!!!

Your plan sounds great and I'm encouraged to hear that's it's working so well for you. I've kinda planned out the year in almost the same pattern. With the exception of the S&H Series every 4th week, I'm alternating heavy periods with endurance periods...sometimes 3 weeks at a time and sometimes 6 weeks at a time. I have so many kinds of workouts, I'm trying to get them all in somewhere. :p Anyway, I keep my wt. in my middle also, so I can't wait to hear about your results.
RE: Ecto gets serious!

A couple months back, Bobbi, in her fitness wisdom, came up with a plan for ectos who, although thin already, wanted to lose a little extra flab and gain some muscle. She called this "The Skinny Fat" plan, based on something she had read about putting on some muscle first by lifting heavy and reducing cardio for several weeks (Phase I) and then doing more moderate lifting and upping the cardio for several weeks to blast the flab (Phase II). If you do a search for "Skinny Fat," you'll find her exact plan.

Anyway, it sounded like a good plan to me, so I've been doing it for the past six weeks, using PS, short cardios and one circuit or cardio/weights each week. Here's a typical week:

SUN: SLA + Short Yoga (subbing L. Berk HHA for abs)
MON: Step Blast Combo #2 through cooldown + Pilates
TUE: BBA + Yoga for Flexibility (subbing PUB abs)
WED: CST + Yoga for Flex + HHA
THU: Off
FRI: BC or SJP or BM
SAT: Kickboxing + Pilates

I'm going to continue with Phase I in 2 weeks, using S&H instead of PS, but keeping the rest pretty much the same.

I plan on doing Phase II for only 4 weeks because I'm concerned I'll lose my hard-earned strength and lose weight. Here's my plan:

SUN: PP or SS + Pilates
TUE: KPC or CK + Yoga
WED: PH or ME or LL/UB Split
THU: Off
FRI: Imax 1 or 2 + HHA
SAT: Power Yoga + CTX Cardio

For Phase III (Maintenence), I plan on the following:

SUN: PLB + Pilates
TUE: PUB + Yoga
WED: Imax 1 or 2 + HHA
THU: PH or ME or PP or SS or MIS or Power Yoga
FRI: BC or SJP or CM or BM
SAT: Power Yoga + Short Cardio + HHA

Probably more information than you wanted to know, but if Bobbi can ramble, so can I!

RE: Ecto gets serious!

Hey Angela....if you feel led...you could start a new thread this week, this ones getting long. :7 :7 :7 I think it's because DebbieH keeps checking in }( }( }( (I am glad she has a sense of humor) We ectos are just so exciting!!!!!;) ;) ;)

Robin...your posts have such character!!

I like your plan guys, except for the endurance part. I hate endurance. Seriously...it sounds like a variation of the HST and I'm going to make up something similar.

At present, I'm fitting in whatever will work with the baby. The slow burn book is looking really good as you need only a short amount of time and REALLY heavy weights. And I can't believe how sore I am. I can do endurance tapes and feel like I'm killing myself during the tape, but then post work out I don't get much muscle soreness...anyone else have this??

Getting rid of the layer of fat, tummy and otherwise, has everything to do with my diet and I'm one of these people that has a much easier time dieting than doing lots of cardio to burn the fat...so I'm cutting weight to get ripped (from the dolfzine.come site). Higher proteins and very low carbs coming from salads and veggies (no starchy stuff!). I don't always feel like doing this...but after being pregnant for what seemed like 2 years....I have the motivation!!

Bobbi....ramble on!!! Very interesting plan.

RE: Ecto gets serious!

Bobbi, I forgot to say....glad you are feeling better, you had many challenges!! And it sounds as if you have a pretty workout schedule so you must be feeling quite a bit better. I just did S&H legs this morning and wondered, how are you handling hoisting the weight up. I've always gotten under the weight from the back of my bench (I go really heavy too), but my neck was actually hurting this morning and I've got to consider a weighted vest soon. Do you have one of these?


Gee-Wiz! A girl can't even peek without getting caught!http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/party/party-smiley-004.gif[/img]

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Ecto gets serious!

I've been having DH load the weight on me for squats and lunges. This worked really well for a while, but last night I needed more weight than he could curl up with his biceps. I may have to start going back to the gym...:-(
RE: Ecto gets serious!

I can do the infamous, is it power clean? that Cathe shows in one workout but 60 is a suck in your gut and give it all you've got weight for me. Who knew I'd have to compromise on the bicep vein with the one that stands out at my temple on that move? I'd really like to push the envelope and go up at least 5 pounds (dare I try 10?) so I'll make my hubby spot me and work it in on one of the mornings he's home. Even if I can't get a complete set I'd happily settle for even a few reps.

I have always been such a cardiohead, I never dreamed I'd love heavy strength work but I do! I have a little trouble with triceps because my left elbow catches and I know I could tear the heck out of it if I made an attempt to match Cathe but with most other body parts I do a fair job and my skinny little legs are so strong it's crazy http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/yellows/freak6.gif

But so gratifying! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/party/luxhello.gif

I increased my protein moderately when I had surgery and started getting leaner even without exercise, mostly by combining PRO, CHO and fat at every meal and cutting down on carb cravings. That was good for 7 pounds. The depression dropped another 6 and I know I am a sicko for considering that the silver lining to the dark cloud but I do.

I am ever amazed, though, at how fat mt belly is! And while I know I am looking pretty slim, even in the abs, I know that jello mold, as my lovely daughters describe it, is still there and I am determined that I am gonna burn some of it even if a six-pack is impossible! (I'd sell my husband for a six pack! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/devil/firedevil.gif)

I hope the high intensity cardio/moderate strength phase does the trick. But all in all, I feel magnificent! And I can live with magnificent! LOL!

Bobbi "Chick's rule!" http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif
RE: Ecto gets serious!

Hi Bobbi! I'm glad you're enjoying your workouts so much. They really seem to be working for you.

I'm quite enjoying this rotation and have been able to increase my lower body weights, but as usual, upper body weights have stayed the same...:-( I still only do knee pushups and, let's just say I don't use 21.5 lb weights for shoulders like A-Jock. I've already asked DH for platemates for Valentine's Day (isn't that romantic?), and I'm hoping they'll help me to incrementally go higher. I'll be starting S&H soon and I've heard it does wonders for us ectos in the upper body strength department. On the other hand, my arms and shoulders do look more defined, even if they're not much stronger.

My abs, though, are REALLY improving. I don't know if it's the strength training, the circuits once a week, the kickboxing (which is, other than Bootcamp, new to me), the amount of ab workouts, the nontraditional focus or a combination (!), but they're much stronger and more defined. I've unfortunately lost some weight during this rotation (and I eat like a horse, I swear!), so that may account for the more defined look in my abs. If I start losing more weight in Phase II, I'm going to stop, flabby abs or not! I'm going to Germany this summer with my oldest son to visit family and I do not want to hear the "too skinny" comments from everyone.

There I go, rambling on and on again...

Thanks for coming up with this plan, Bobbi. I know it took a lot of thought and I'm happy to be doing it with you.:)
RE: Ecto gets serious!


Are you sure the belly is truly fat and not bloating? I'm always suspicious when I hear someone say they are slim everywhere but the tummy. I've touted the book "False Fat Diet" by Elson Haas on this forum before, but I'll mention it again, in case you missed it.

I used to tormet myself over my "fat gut" and couldn't understand it when I was too thin everywhere else. There were even times I wondered if I was pregnant! Turns out, food sensitivities can do this to you - causing you to bloat up. Now that I'm aware of it and have pretty much identified the foods that bother me, I can tell when I've eaten something I shouldn't. When I'm diligent, I'm rewarded with a nice flat tummy and visible ab definition.

Just a thought,

RE: Ecto gets serious!

Oh No Briee! If this check in is going to be fun it will all be because of Robin! She has way too much fun with those ever so cute smilies! :)

And Robin “diet sucked, just wanted to share”! That cracked me up. LOL! Could that be because it’s happening to me too?! I’ve decided to keep a journal but writing down everything that I eat hasn’t kept me from eating the stuff I know I shouldn’t! :( And what makes it so bad is that I see my abdomen expanding! x(

Okay! After reading through the last of the posts here I see that my being away has caused me to miss a great deal of interesting topics! I see I need to search for this Skinny Fat plan and check out a few books at my local library!

I think I need to copy this thread so that I can really see what’s going on. And I can read it from the comforts of my couch or bed! No!I’m not being lazy this evening, I’ve switched to working out in the mornings! That’s still a tough one for me too – I’m still struggling with that!

Bobbi – sorry to hear you’ve had such a difficult time with your health. But I am excited that you’ve made some wonderful improvements and have an upbeat attitude that is very encouraging and uplifting! God Bless you! It’s great to have you around!

You ladies are really impressing me with your 60 pound barbells and 20 plus pound shoulder work. It’s inspiring! I look forward to my workout tomorrow morning! :7

Off to print, run some searches, do a little thinking and check back tomorrow!

Have a good evening!

P.S. I’m crossing my fingers FOR snow tonight! I want a reason to not have to go into work tomorrow! Isn’t that pitiful! I am sick of this job! But I am doing something proactive – I have been running some serious searches and have actually sent off my resume to a couple of places. Woo Hoo! :7
RE: Ecto gets serious!

Hi, Angela!

I'm pretty sure it's fat, complete with that dimpled cellulite-y look.
Even when I became thin to the point of emaciation and ate very little on a dialy basis I kept that gushiness I so despise. Still, I never dismiss any possibilty and I'll definitely take a look at the book. My diet can always use tweaking and I've been off my chow lately so it could be very interesting to play with it. What do you typically eat? What foods cause senstivity? I'll search the book out at http://www.half.com and see what Haas has to say and I thank you for the suggestion!

The problem, as I understand it, is the way I store fat. It's very specific to my belly. It's a characteristic that runs in my family. Very few of us put on weight all over. My limbs are long and thin with very tiny wrists and ankles.

Visible ab definition is my primary goal now! I can definitely pinch an inch but it has really slimmed down.
RE: Ecto gets serious!

It was my pleasure, Susan. ;) Working out is my favorite thing to do. And thinking about working out and workouts probably takes up way more of my time than it should, LOL!

Ooh, Germany sounds fun! Just flex for them and bench press something! In my family you have to become very skeletal to get a too thin out of anyone (10 girls) but perfect strangers will make comments because my arms and legs are so thin. I love this muscle but I am fine-limbed no matter and always have been.

That's wonderful about your abs! I always begin to feel a little nuts when my weight gets as low as it should and I still need to lose fat. It means I have to put on more muscle to counter any loss and I can only get so much. My shoulders and triceps are the really hard to get to bulk up. Chest and back I can go very heavy and do. I made an attempt to max out with the shoulders and tris but I backed off for fear of injury and I am taking them up more slowly. What are playmates and should I ask my husband for some for Valentines's Day? :)
A-Jock floors me but my arms would probably fall off if I attempted more than 12 for overhead press and even twelves are hard. Fifteens make me feel like I will absolutely hurt myself and I tend to do lots of drop sets when it comes to my weak parts, getting a few reps with a heavy weight and then dropping down into sometihing more comfortable. I do find that yoga can get my triceps and shoulders really sore and I like that alot!

You aren't rambling, Susan. This is facinating! It's terrific to have a passion like this. I hope we are still ranmbing when we are ninety-two, or three or nine!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!" http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif
RE: Ecto gets serious!

Hey, Angie, I'm doing the snow dance for ya...http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/ernaehrung/food-smiley-019.gif[/img] OK, that's *pre* snow dance. :p

All this talk of bicep veins and ab definition has me feeling all inspired, People!! This apple-shaped ectomorph has never entertained the notion. I'm gonna follow this whole Phase I/Phase II thing closely. I really hope that you guys meet all your goals.

As for me, it's DD1's birthday and, as I always say, Let the frosting fly! And fly it will...Right to my middle. Gee, maybe *that's* the kink in my rope?? Ya think? http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/aktion/action-smiley-041.gif[/img]

Angela, I've read that book before. I admire your willpower, Woman. Let me see if I remember the 7 initial culprits...wheat, corn, peanuts, soy, sugar, dairy...uh...can't remember the last one. Now I won't sleep till I find out what it is. I hope it's beets.:+

You guys are gonna be so buff!!! WOO HOO!!!:*
RE: Ecto gets serious!

EGGS!!! OK, now I can rest.:p

Hey, Angela, did you resume any of those, 1 by 1, after the 21 days as he suggested? Do you avoid all those things now, or did you find the culprit(s)??

Still missing Julie!

Oh, one more thing. Y'all were talking about squatting heavy...I use my BNTR for that. Did squats with 100 lbs yesterday. :7 Bobbi, there's a poster, Mandy, who's using the Power of 10 method at YY right now. She's keeping a journal about it and making good strength gains. She's not an ecto tho.

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