Hey Angela, Amadeus, and other ECTOS..


My little stability ball is detachable now Julie and the bicep vein is once again in the making....so do you guys want to do an ecto thread again??? Robin, you in??? Angela....you're team leader.

To be quite honest I don't feel quite ecto-y yet, but I know down under that post-prego fatty layer is an ecto-woman just waiting to be reborn and a bicep vein dying to pop out. AND....LL has been getting dusty. I'm in need of a major muscle building ecto rotation to jump back into :7 :7 :7 and I've missed you guys.

Hi Briee,
I'm not an ECTO, (I don't think) BUT...
I wanted to drop in and say Congrats on your new baby boy. I really enjoyed reading your birth experience.


ps everytime I see a bicep vein, I think "Briee should see this" The last one I was admiring was on Tracy McGrady (plays basketball for the Orlando Magic)
Hey Briee!

I'm so happy for you! I've been dropping in on the prego forum now and then to check on your big event. Glad to hear it went well. I'm sure you'll be feeling ecto-y again in no time.

I've been doing really well. November through March is the time I usually have problems with my colitis, but I've been feeling great so far - knock on wood.

I've been doing S & H workouts exclusively for a while now, and I reverse the count so the six counts are on the negative instead of the positive. This was based on research I'd read for ectos.

I'm about to start a new program specifically designed for hardgainers. Can't wait to see how it goes. If you'd like to read about it, here's the Web site:


Queen Ectochick

I tried that link and nothing's coming up. Would you check it for me? Thank you!

What results are you seeing with the six count down on the negative? Is it really that much better than the six count up? Is it easier? Details please!!!!!

I'm glad you are keeping well and the collitis is at bay. Stay well Ecto Queen!


Try the link again. I just clicked on it and it worked fine. Good Luck! http://www.skinnyguy.net/
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Clare,

Were you able to access the site? Did you see his before and after pix? He looks great, doesn't he? I asked if the program was adaptable for females and they told me ectos should train the same way - regardless of gender.

I read about emphasizing the negative or eccentric portion of the rep in the book "AstroFit" and other places. In fact, the program mentioned above also emphasizes the negative although he only uses a 3/0/1 count. This approach is supposed to provide better muscle building results. I wouldn't say it's necessarily any easier.

If I had to sum up the program, I'd say it's very heavy, low rep lifting only three days a week, working each body part once. No cardio. You take measurements and body fat readings, then follow a specific diet based on that info. You have to eat a lot and rest alot to allow your muscles to fully recover from the intense lifting.

This is definitely for hardgainers - it is not designed for the average person or anyone wanting to lose weight.

THanks for the info. I still can't access the site, but I think it's because of the crappy internet explorer connections at the coffee-house computer I have been stcuk on today! I shall try from home later, and no doubt have great success!

Joy....how sweet of you to think of me and bicep veins in the same....thought. Next time you see Tracy McGrady you need not think "Briee should see this"....but rather "Briee should HAVE that" (that's what I think!! ;) ;) ;) ).

AND...you're welcome to be an ecto any time you please and drop in on all ecto threads.....after all there is an ecto lurking deep inside of all of us. Right??

Okay Angela, I'm going to check out that thread. I am always up for a S&H rotation!! So have you seen visible gains. Sounds like this would work into a hypertrophy specific training type routine. I've been meaning to check with Trev and see if he's still doing HST and what his results are.

I just tried to access the site and it comes up fine Clare...must be your server?

Congratulations on your new baby, Briee! I admire you for sticking with your exercise habit. I NEVER worked out when I had newborns.

BTW, do you guys have room for one more ecto? I promise, I don't take up much room...
Yes, it was the server. I just tried from home and it comes up fine! The guy does look great! So, there's hope yet for my husband, if I can ever get him to exercise!!!!

And can I join too as another Ecto? I need some boost to get my butt in gear and I don't even have the excuse of pregnancy and birth to fall back on!!


Susan...."don't take up too much room"...too cute!!:) :) :)

Looks like we can get a group of Ectos together for a check in!! I can't tell you how much this keeps me accountable. (sometimes I loose it when I don't check in - my motivation slides) I plan to check in on the post prego forum for some time, but I am multi-task minded ;) ;) ;) I think I can handle both...I'll have to work out twice a day right??

And Susan I have had a crappo week as far as working out with a newborn...he's been colicky and I'm holding him all the time....you'd think he'd realize that it's much more comfortable to be held with the soft support of a bicep vein under him :p :p :p :p .

Hey Briee!

Great, great, great to see you here! I sure missed the smiles I get from your posts! (I didn't miss a certain person reminding me of the number of posts though! Hmmm, who would THAT be???) Did you ever think Noah is crying because your not getting that vein soon enough! ;-) Get busy girl! WELCOME BACK girlfriend!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Great, Briee! Count me in! For my current rotation, I'm focusing on strength, less cardio and a lot of nontraditional ab work. I've been doing PS one bodypart per week, a cardio/weights such as BC or SJP or BM once a week, and 2 shorter cardios. I also do yoga and Pilates as add-ons and my flabby ecto-abs have been responding well to mostly nontraditional ab work 6x/wk.

Like I said, I admire your energy for even THINKING about working out with a newborn. My body did NOT want to work out when I was sleep-deprived. I don't know if you're nursing, but I nursed all three of my children and realized that nursing 23 out of 24 hours a day :) was nature's way of making me sit down and rest. I think I remember you have a few children already, right? Anyway, don't beat yourself up if you can't exercise as much as you'd like. That bicep vein's bound to show up eventually. I know! Maybe you could draw one on with indelible marker, or better yet, get a bicep vein tattoo!:)
I'd like to check in too. The "Skinny Fat" thread got me thinking and I am doing what Suasan is doing, emphasizing strength with more moderate cardio plus yoga-ab days and it's working! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/biglaugh.gif
My body is very firm and muscles are popping out! I know I'll never be as muscular as I'd like to be, like Cathe and crew but this is the next best thing! I am an ecto, after all. My belly, where I store my famine fat, is a lot flatter. I have plans to stay heavy through February and to then ease into more endurance type strength and longer and more intense cardio to see how much ab flab I can fry!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!" http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif
Susan..have you been spying on me...I've tried the black marker...just doesn't look natural. Now...the other day I was looking in the mirror in our workout room and I was sure I could see the start of the vein popping out....but it turned out to be one of those ripples that runs through cheap mirrors. I still like to lift in just the right position so I can see that ripple on my bicep vein and I dream...determination is the first step right??

You guys are MY group....strength training emphasized over cardio...love it!!! I'm home again. :) :) :) It's heavy weights or bust!!!

Bobbi....glad to have you checking in!! Can't wait to see what kind of strength rotations you guys come up with.

Debbie....are you on this ecto thread again...did anyone ever tell you that you are on post 3051, 3051, 3051, 3051. And how dare you mention my bicep vein (or lack of) irreverently. }( }( }( }( .

Congratulations, Briee!! I can't believe that you've already had that baby. (Ever notice how gestation time just flies by when you're not the one who's pregnant???:p) A boy, Noah, I gather?? Wonderful name. Glad I get to join you on your quest for that ever-elusive bicep vein. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif[/img]

Oh, yeah, I'll jump back in on the Ecto Chick Check in. I still need to drop a few, http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/alles_moegliche/mixed-smiley-045.gif[/img] but I'm on the last 10 lbs. Maybe a vein is in *my* future? Probably not. I just want to tuck in my shirt.:+

I'm starting a PS/CTX 'thing' with staggered intensity 30 min. cardio this month.

Angela, http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/aktion/action-smiley-066.gif[/img] So glad that you're feeling good this winter!!!!

So glad to see new Ectos!!! http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/alles_moegliche/mixed-smiley-042.gif[/img]

Where's Julie? http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/alles_moegliche/mixed-smiley-044.gif[/img]
Hey Robin!

GREAT to "see" you here too! Where have you been girl? Cute, cute smilies!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Yes, Briee, I'm convinced S&H, reversing the count and cutting back on workouts from six times a week to three times a week has helped me. Here's a link to a current pic, if I can get it to work. It's not the greatest quality...


It may not look too impressive, but for someone who, at her sickest, weighed around 90 lbs. and was literally nothing but bones, this is a huge improvement!

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