Hey all you marathon runners.....


Is this doable?? I really want to walk a half marathon race in March....do I have enough time to train??? Can I train most of my time on the treadmill?? Or is outside road time a neccesity?? I have been kicking the idea of marathon walking for a while and I just found this half marathon scheduled for March..or should I skip this one and look for another in the fall(summer is way too hot here to be doing anything outside). I am only moderately fit cardio wise.....love to hike, but have not done anything long distance at all. Thanks and take care,

Hi Donna....I think a half marathon (13.1 miles) is probably doable in March. Especially if you intend to walk it. I feel you could train on a treadmill but do get some time on the pavement outside also. You might want to get in a few long walks of 8 miles or so to get your body ready. Do you do any other form of cardio?

Now if you want to do a marathon (26.2 miles) that would be a bit different for training. Not sure you would want to try a full marathon by March...hope this helps...:)...Carole
Thanks Carole! I joined a marathon walker support forum and got the same answer.....I know I can walk at least 4 miles(did that just the other day on a great hike....)now I just have to see if I can get going and up the distance. I get at least 2 days of cardio in at the gym, normally a spin class and a kickboxing class.....I am going to try to get started this week and see how it goes. Thanks again,

I say go for it! I just wanted to add that I agree that you need to get outside for some of your training. I do most of my training on the treadmill but insist that my long distances be done outside that my body can adjust to the pavement variation. The little tiny muscles and tendons in your feet will appreciate this adaption time come race day!

Also, treadmill versus outside feels different. I was on a treadmill for 6 months before running outside and the first 1-2 times outside, I felt dizzy, disoriented and ackward. Besides, the fresh, brisk air will do wonders for your body, mind and spirit.
Thanks guys!! I got on the treadmill for the first time today....I was so stuck in a cardio rut...always using the stationary bike, that just doing something different was fun. I found out that I can do a almost 20 minute mile.....I know not so astonishing for you runners....but made me realize that I just may be able to do this. I know you are right Sarah that I need to get outside, but I really wanted to use the gym to get used to my speed and what tempo I need to keep. How do you runners judge your distance....keep track of your speed?? Is that a really dumb question?? I am going to try walk 3-4 times a week and make one day a long walk day and do that outside. But before we get too excited about doing a race, I got to see how these 41 year old ankles and knees are gonna handle it......but even it I don't do this race.....there is always another. Elaine, thanks for the Hal link.....his site is just so chock full of info!
Thanks again,

Hey, Donna. Congrats!

The ladies above all have excellent recommendations (and always will, LOL).

I can answer the treadmill question for you. Long story short, I am running my FIRST full marathon next Sunday (01/08/06) and did the majority of my training runs on the treadmill. I simply have no other choice, since it's just me and my boys. BUT...like someone above said, I INSISTED that my long runs on Sunday be outside everytime. HOWEVER, I was forced due to circumstances, to do 2 long runs on the treadmill...my 10 miler and my 18 miler! 18 was hard on the treadmill, but it got done, and besides...you have to do what you have to do.

Good luck. Give it your all! Keep us posted on your progress!


p.s. it's addictive! I'm already signed up for a 10K Super Bowl Sunday and am looking at a half marathon in April! LOL

Congrats on your new goal...this is very doable in the amount of time you have to train.

I wear a Garmin GPS to keep track of distance and pace, but there are other watches/devices out there that do the same thing. I used to drive a route in my car before I would run it to determine the distance. You can determine your pace by dividing the amount time you took by the number of miles your walk/run. Does this make sense?

Keep strength training and pay particular attention to your quad and hamstring muscles. Strengthening these muscles will help your endurance and help you to be a strong runner/walker.

Good luck...we're here if you need us!!

Thanks again guys.....someone else I know recommended the Garmin to me too.....I am going to go check them out today. I am very, very sore today, and my ankle is still giving me some trouble, so I am not doing anything today. I took a really tough Muscle class at the gym on Thursday.....and probably should not have gotten on the treadmill yesterday, but I was soooo curious about what my time would be that I did it anyway and I am paying for it today. I am trying not to let that cloud my thoughts about actually doing this. I live in a city where the blocks are roughly one mile...so perhaps keeping track won't be so hard afterall....someone else I know pointed out that I can always use one of the many high school tracks for a while since school will be out for another 2 weeks......thanks again and I'll let everybody know how it goes!!
One more thing...What kind of shoes do you run/walk in? Were you fitted at a running/walking speciality store? Do you have ankle problems? Is it a result of an injury or do you know why you have problems with it?

I guess I'm thinking that maybe there is a problem that can be fixed before it results in more pain and discourages you...we don't want that to happen.

Hey there Marietta! I am thinking the same thing....I hurt my ankle ages ago. It involved my step, my dog and his ball. Really ugly....I got hurt and refused to accept I was hurt. I know. Really dumb. It acts up every now and then, usually when I overdo it, so saying that I do not really know if this whole thing is possible....but I think I am going to make a trip to a specialty store and see what I can do. Right now I wear Ryka's at the gym. The ankle started up this past weekend after I went hiking. The terrain was really rocky, and my ankles got a lot of twisting. I got new hiking shoes for Xmas, so that shouldn't be a problem the next time I go. I will just have to see how it goes, my husband has seen a sports doc for his bad ankle....it might be worth a trip for me to check it out. Thanks again....


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