Here are my suggestions:


*All Hi/Lo video
*Kick, Punch, and Crunch 2
*All floor IMAX
*Power Yoga
*20-20-20: 20 minutes of step, 20 minutes of hi/lo, 20 minutes of kickboxing and/or weights
*Slow and Heavy Upper Body and Lower Body

I'm not Cathe responding, but I like your suggestions about KPC 2, Power Yoga and the 20-20-20.
I once tried the "Terminator" DVD, and I have to confess, I'm not a fan of the heavy choreography step. I a little afraid of Cathe's IMAX stuff because of the complex moves involved (I have limited space in my "gym/living room") If there was a 20-20-20 workout where I knew there would be an end to the possible torture, I'd try it.
Wouldn't you like to see out-takes from Cathe's filming? I think it would be fun to have her include them on her DVD's. I'm sure she and her crew must have some laughs while they mess up on camera.

Hey Lisa -
An out-takes video and/or additional footage at the end of each workout would be great. I was a devoted FIRM Believer for 17+ years but am a Cathe "Convert" for the past 3 months. She is so personable and "real" in her videos. The FIRM instructors are very good but refined to almost being robotic. I enjoy the interaction between her and "her crew" during the workouts. Sharing their mis-steps, stumbles and flubs would only endear them to my heart more.

I would really like the all floor IMAX. As much as I enjoy ste, I sometimes prefer floor cardio instead.
I have never tried IMAX. from this message board I hear it is the most poular. Maybe a dvd of step and floor aerobics workouts would be fun so you can do the same workout on and off the step.
Checking out Imax next!
Yes I was thinking Kick Punch and Crunch 2 also. How about Rhythmic Step 2,Ab Hits 2,and a Yoga or Pilates tape. I don't know if Cathe does Pilates but it is a good stretching and toming exercise and it would be totally different to what we normally do. Just a thought. Have a nice weekend. Lisa
Many of Cathe's core work exercises seem to be based around similar Pilates exercises...she shares many of the same principles.

I would love to see a Rhythmic Step 2!!! I enjoy the "original" so much now, that a second one that is similar in intensity would be fantastic!

For those who would like to do a step workout as a floor routine, all you have to do is remove your step. As an asthmatic, I normally can't do a lot of step work and 99% of the time do Cathe's step routines without the step...just turn it into a floor routine. I still get an amazing, heart-pounding, covered-with-sweat workout!
I love all your ideas for new videos. 20-20-20 sounds great. It reminds me of the format from Circuit Max (minus the weights) which is one of my favourite videos.
Loving your ideas Nicollette!

Especially All floor IMAX! I've been pushing for this one! I also love the All Hi/Lo, the Power Yoga (and I think cathe would put as much "power" into it as she possibly could! :)), the 20-20-20, and the Slow and Heavy Upper Body and Lower Body!

Hope Cathe sees these! :)


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