Can anyone give advice on how to help my son learn to ride a bike? He is 8 1/2 years old and hasn't ridden a bike since we took his training wheels off when he was 5. He has always been the kind of person who wants to do everything by himself, even when he learned to walk. He wouldn't let us help him by holding his hands, he just leaned on everything then one day took the big step by himself when he was 15 months.
I let the issue slide for awhile but I feel he is missing out on so much. Esp. when his friends all ride bikes and ask him to go along and he says no I'll go inside.
I feel he is missing out on something important in his childhood. I've bribed him with rewards to his favorite places and it still doesn't work.
He'll practice for five minutes and then say "I don't want to do it."
Should I just let it go?
I am afraid he is going to come back to me in 10 years and say you never taught me to ride a bike!
I love bike riding and would love to go on rides with him.
Any advice is appreciated!
I let the issue slide for awhile but I feel he is missing out on so much. Esp. when his friends all ride bikes and ask him to go along and he says no I'll go inside.
I feel he is missing out on something important in his childhood. I've bribed him with rewards to his favorite places and it still doesn't work.
He'll practice for five minutes and then say "I don't want to do it."
Should I just let it go?
I am afraid he is going to come back to me in 10 years and say you never taught me to ride a bike!
I love bike riding and would love to go on rides with him.
Any advice is appreciated!