

I'm desperate! I just got a call from my SIL saying her son has lice:( We stayed with them this weekend and now I'm freaking out that my 2 youngest are infested. I'm scratching everywhere and washing EVERYTHING! They are in school now so I can't check them until they get home. Do any of you have any natural treatments that have worked for you? I've read a few things like mayo and olive oil but there are conflicting reports. I know you shouldn't use the lice treatment shampoo until they actually have them but if I can prevent them or stop them before it gets worse I'm all for it. TIA for anything you can share with me:)
I would first of all call the school and have the nurse check them. One, that will give you answers and two, it will stop further spread of the lice if they do (EEK!) have them. There are some good natural treatments that I have read about but for the life of me, I can't think what they were. You may want to search the People's Pharmacy for an answer. Good luck - hope they are lice free!!!
Isn't it funny how the mere mention of lice can get you scratching. Mayo and olive oil works but I saw on the news that you have to leave it on for 5-6 hours. I don't think your little one would approve. You may not be open to the hard core stuff on the drug store shelf but in this situation I would get over that and use it but first off make sure you actually have a lice problem. They are really noticable, definitely wash all the sheets, pillows, and such in super hot water. I would buy new brushes too. Lice are not fleas, so they can't jump tall buildings in a single bound but it is easy to catch. Kids give each other all sorts of stuff. There is this little girl in my daughters class who constantly has lice. I feel really bad for her. She also has warts on her hands. It really freaks me out. I always put my daughters hair up and in a tight ballet bun and tell her to wash her hands and to NOT share combs. Luckily she hasn't gotten it and the school does a daily check of the kids hair just to be sure. Don't worry a couple of washes and all will be well.
Ug -- we went through this -- yuck. First, I didn't think they were very noticeable, fwiw. What we did was Cetaphil soap -- one entire bottle per head -- just keep putting it on and combing it through. Once the whole bottle is there (it will take a while), then leave it for about a half hour I think. You should google for cetaphil and lice and find the real info -- the thing is, you're going to have to do this all over again when the breeding cycle brings the next batch. I can't remember how many days you have to wait, so that's why I suggest you google. Good luck!!

we went thru this last year. I used listerine. I rinsed DD's hair in it, then put her hair in a shower cap and let it sit for a while. After washing it out, letting it dry, I used a nit comb. Then, finally, I used a curling iron and "ironed" sections of her hair. It must have worked, because she was able to go back to school in a couple of days, and we kept checking for nits every night for weeks.

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